
"What is this curse?" Elder Quintria blurted out with a tone that had a mixture of anger and surprise.

Alan took the book, it did nothing to him, he just whispered "what?" in utter confusion.

"Why did it do that?

-you're asking me? You own the book

-honestly the book is the one that owns me...maybe it doesn't approve of you opening it, or maybe it's not you specifically, everyone but me"

The Elder took a breath and started hovering her hand over the book

"By the power of Yin and Yang

Would I be able to expose all the bells Xynar rang

Who made it? How and when?

Does it curse or does it Zen?"

Light came out of her hands, projected onto Xynar and reflected to the ceiling, where a picture started appearing..it wasn't picture, it wasn't still, a movie? The two started starting at what story it was about to narrate:

The Aaeena village was a village in the real world, that existed centuries ago. It was named after the lake it was built around. Alan and Quintria were able to conclude this after the animated pictures showed a sign saying "the aaeena village" next to its entrance and another saying "the aaeena lake" next to the lake, then it showed an elderly gentleman talking to his people, he said "our ancestors often wrote about what curses the lake holds within it, the aaeena lake is not a regular one, it is the barrier that separates us from the world of the unseen, unheard and unfelt, the jinns. As a blood moon is happening today, it has always been known that during a blood moon, the barrier becomes at its weakest, and one wrong human intervention can lead to ungodly disturbances and horrors. Do not, and I repeat, do not go near the lake tonight, you don't want to test them" then it zoomed on a pregnant woman, she was smirking. Later that night when the moon was the brightest and everyone was asleep, she came out of her house and slowly headed towards the lake, while on the way she whispered "idiots, fools, all of them. "There's creatures we can't see, hear or feel" as if I'm supposed to believe that, I'll show them what imbeciles they are" the woman kept heading toward the lake until she reached it, she first touched the water, then she swam in it. She started enjoying the water while lying on her back, she closed her eyes, after a while she opened them, and the moon locked them in, she started silently and profusely crying, the watery tears turned into bloody tears, then black hands came out of the water and sunk her in.

The next day farmers found her unconscious on the grass, she was thankfully alive, people asked her what happened but she never answered. She became silent, and every night since then, she would get psychotic episodes. After a few months, a very long black tongue came out of her mouth and her eyes turned all black, she pointed her hands on the floor and from it appeared mysterious creatures that Alan and couldn't make up because of the poor lighting. After a week of that happening she finally gave birth to her son, shoony.

Black and evil, along with insanity were already running through shoony's blood before he was even born. He grew up to have a strong relationship with the other creatures, and grew more distant from humans, until the day jinns decided to help him make the book, his life being the price.

The light then stopped, and everything went back to normal as far as objects, but Alan and Quintria were shook, they blankly stared at each other for some time, then Quintria spoke

"Do you have any idea what those creatures were?

-no, it was too dark to make anything out, do you know them?

-come with me right now"

Quintria swiftly got up and rushed to the basement of her small house, where there was a library filled with books

"Wow, you never told me about this place"

Alan said as he twirled his head around admiring the books. He then saw her move faster and take a turn so in fear of losing track he ran after her. She grabbed one of the books that had a title, Alan couldn't read it, Xynar only gave him the ability to understand and talk the Gwaxy language, reading and writing were beyond his ability.

"I can only speak and hear the Gwaxy language, could you please tell me what it says?

-this book is an extremely rare one, it took me decades to find it, doubt lingered around my head whenever I read it, these creatures seemed too surreal to exist "Jinns and manifestation" talk about all kinds of jinns, from the good to neutral to evil, and what they can do from manifesting in animal form to flying. To my knowledge they are very rare and don't exist in the Gwaxyguen islands, but maybe your universe has them more? This is the first time I felt lost, what power could your book be possibly holding, and will it help or harm us?

-in one of its pages, it said it may grant me with blessings or curses, as it pleases. To play it safe, how about this book stays a secret between us? I'll tell anyone I meet I came from a random village I'll make up and I'll say it's outside of Gwaxyguen. Can you give me a backpack or anything to preserve this book in? I'm tired of holding with my hands or under my arms, if people ask me about it which I doubt, I'll just say it's a random book of mine.

-that's actually a wise decision to take, I do have something you can keep it in, but I will have to tweak it a bit since it was designed for us Tribakwiyans.

-that's what you guys are called? Tribakwiyans? You haven't told me about it, interesting. Another name to remember, what are they now? Gwaxyguen, Gwaxy which is a creature and a language, Guen, Guenara, Tribakwiyans, and what were those growling creatures called.... The praying..umm

-terraformers, the praying terraformers. Speaking of, we need to meet with the two other elders to discuss how we'll be invading the hallow mountain of Tribakwi

-what about the jinns? Also, other elders?

-priorities, child, priorities. And yes I'm not the only one, there's three of us, Quintria, Turbia and Valenzia.

-it's night, don't you think leaving it for tomorrow would be better?

-time is precious, the more of it we can save the more we'd be rewarded, we need to go right now"

After they exited the house, Quintria took out a rock, put it on her palm then started to move her other hand around it

"Turbia and Valenzia, prepare

For a nightly meeting, time we spare

Of some issues, you need to be aware

We need ideas, I'm in despair"

Then light traveled through the village, where it headed right to Turbia and Valenzia and swirled around them, it was an indication elders use between them whenever they require a meeting, they always meet up at the same place, the low table that's made out of rocks, there were no chair, and there was a tree with a single big leaf shading the place. Around the area was a beautiful flower fencing, the flowers were divided in sections, blue, on the opposite side was red, and they slowly merged into purple in the middle.

"Oh wow the flowers are beautiful, why do they change colors?" Once again, Alan's question was answered once he saw the other two elders approaching.