
When he finally realised what just happened, he freaked out, and as a result, the connection between his subconsciousness and spirit broke, he forcefully fell down on the sand.

Because of how surreal it felt, he thought for a second that he was just hallucinating. He got up and walked to Ecaura, he looked composed and calm.

"What's wrong?" Ecaura said, good thing she doesn't sleep, ever, because Alan's timing has always been extremely unpredictable.

His pride and happiness could not be held in much longer, he said "I did Kawazma" and with it immediately choked up from the tears, he covered his face with his hands as he started crying, he was very, proud of himself, and Ecaura was proud of him too, if she weren't able to know when someone is being genuine and when they're lying, she would've not believed him

"Dichodualitarimerginatura it is" she said

They both got out so they could talk, and so that Alan can retrieve Xynar and the Guenara rocks.

"How did it happen?

-I wish I knew, I was just enjoying the night ad I closed my eyes, when I opened them, I was levitating.

-There is no doubt you did levitate, but just to make sure your move is indeed DCM, I will be checking your spirit, for that you will be losing consciousness in the process, may I?"

Alan nodded, Ecaura took a few steps back, levitated and took the form of a creature Alan never seen before, it had 4 extremely big wings, two on each side, and each side had a wing that's curving upwardly, and the other, situated right under the first, curved in the direction of the ground, almost like a butterfly, the creature had really long hair that was sectioned into sixteen gravity defying parts, they were moving freely in the sky like tentacles, the creature's extremities and core were black, both turning brighter until they become white in the two areas between the core and each extremity, along with the legs and face. The Guenitras, those two sticks that held the halo around her face, were still present, however they were swirled this time.

Ecaura levitated Alan to her level, then the Guenitras elevated and repositioned the halo to be directly facing Alan, the halo glowed in a blinding white light, and the extremities of the wings glowed, in black, then they also faced Alan, and five energy beams came out, one from the halo, four from the wings, in the middle of the way each two beams from the wings merged into one, later on the three beams also merged into a big one, that pierced through Alan, and inevitably, he fainted.

After Alan's body absorbed as much of that energy as it could, it violently ejected it out, only for the three ejected beams this time to be grey, a really deep bloody red and a deep blue color, the three beams moved in space and each one formed a letter in the Gwaxy Language, the grey beam formed "L", the red formed "A" and the blue one spelled "K", the first letters of all of the three signature moves of DCM, Lathinsé, Akkina, and Kawazma, then all of that energy returned to Ecaura, and her and Alan both got down on land, then she took the human form again, and woke Alan up.

"I'll spare you the energy of asking, I'll explain what just happened, when new Quantum shifters learn DCM, which is usually the last portal they learn, the old ones that have mastered it a long time before them perform what we call The Quantum test, which is really complicated, but I'll try to simplify it as much as I can, those black and white beams have the same amount of energy, when they merge and enter your body they become passive discovery energy, passive energy is energy that can be turned into any kind just the second it makes contact with that kind, when it touched the Kawazma, Akkina, and Lathinsé energy ponds in your spirit, it got split into an even amount between the three, then comes the discovery part, discovery energy channels through the body and if it finds any energy like it, it will spell the first one or two Gwaxy letters of its name in the sky, basically, I can make any energy into discovery energy and channel it through a place or an entity to find out whether they hold that energy or not, when making passive discovery energy, I can tell each and every energy type a person or place has, I hope you understood me,

to summarise it, I wanted to find out whether your spirit has the energy ponds that generate DCM, and it does.

Congratulations, you have officially acquired Quantum shifter magic, making it the third type of magic you have learned, leaving five more to go. You are doing what no other Gwaxyguen citizen has the ability of doing"

The Queen decided he would not be able to learn Akkina or Lathinsé, he cannot learn them, they come naturally, maybe not when wanted, but when needed, they will shine like a little twinkle in the dark sky, and help him help himself, at least the Queen knows he has them in his self, so nothing needs to be proven anymore

"I believe that time has come, for us to part ways, and for you to continue your journey, and visit the third Island of the Gwaxyguen chain, the Neris Island" Ecaura announced, and just as she said that, Alan remembered what he read in Xynar

"Oh no, it's not the time yet, trust me, there are two more things that need to happen before I leave the Nocturnal Island, one for me, and one for you" his reply bombarded Ecaura a bit, her discernment is usually right, what could've she possibly missed?

"And what may these things be, Alan?

-we'll start with the one about me, when reading Xynar, it mentioned three names I never heard of, Neris, which I now know is the third island, cosmic striders, which I don't know, and Qyn, another name I never heard of, could you explain them to me.

-with no detail or backstory, Qyn is the name of the Goddess, the ruler of everything and everyone, and cosmic striders are one of the citizens of the Neris Island, I will not be elaboration any further on this, I do not want to get into the way of destiny and disturb your path and journey to discovering yourself through Gwaxyguen

-well, at least I know something, I'll take it. And now comes the second thing, and for that, follow me"

Alan picked up the Guenara rocks, and started walking, Ecaura was for the second time, surprised, but she followed him nonetheless.

He suddenly stopped in the middle of his tracks, he took that ring he stole from Boo, put it in his left middle finger, then held the Guenara rocks, and closed his eyes

"Using the Tribakwiyan powers

The soil, I shall devour

With a touch of terraforming

The rooms will appear prier to the morning

Add Quantum shifting to the mix

A creature will be born tonight, full of tricks"

Suddenly, the ground right in front of him split open and receded in a circular motion..