dressed in mistakes

..when Gwaxys and Guens came to separate the islands, a Gwaxy, my dad Koh, fell in love with the prettiest cosmic strider on the island, my mother, Eyja. Goddess Qyn did not allow them to marry each other, so they both ran out of Gwaxyguen and went to Stilitra.

Stilitra is not divided like Gwaxyguen; it has the main island, tens of times the size of this one, then four sub-islands on each of its side, which aren't small either, the sub islands are divided into water, earth, fire and air, as in elements.

When me and my brother were born, as hybrids of two species, just like any Stilitra citizen, we got assigned an element that's engraved in our spirit, I got air, and he got water. After our parents died, we wanted to come back here, but since my brother, dominantly a Gwaxy, was not a pure one, Goddess Qyn cursed his looks, and made him a barterschzepo, although he's more handsome than the rest of them, let me just say that. He went to live with them, and I came here.

One of the abilities light elements, air and water, share together, is linker talk. If two grab a string or anything that can vibrate well and focus, they can vibrate it in a way that when it reaches the other it gets translated into words in their minds, me and my brother talk every night, we love each other a lot, but neither of us can visit the other's island. He's not like the other barterschzepos, he's a good person, he tells me about the upcoming attacks and their latest inventions, but I can't directly tell my sisters because they will have too many questions I am not ready to answer yet, so I hint at them and subliminally expose the barterschzepos.

-if Qyn did not accept your brother how he was why didn't both of you just go back to Stilitra? Also, what is Stilitra?

-some feeling greater than us, a call in our hearts and minds, made it feel right for us to come back and stay, we're here to help this long lasting bad omen and prominent curse break, with a spell, an enchantment that will finally grant the two dichotomous species a power stronger than any magic or invention, it will give them, the courage to change.

It may take long, and maybe it won't be today, tomorrow, or next year, but one day, cosmic striders and barterschzepos will unite, I know they will.

Concerning your second question, Stilitra is one of the four island chains of the AZ planet. The AZ planet is divided into four main parts, Gwaxyguen, Xymadroma, Stilitra, and Ompodelf, and two smaller parts that link Gwaxyguen and Stilitra together, the north portagon, and Xymadroma and Ompodelf together, the south portagon.

Gwaxyguen and Xymadroma are both ruled by the goddess Qyn, Stilitra and Ompodelf are both ruled by the god Sov.

-what?!? Why am I just knowing about this? Does anyone else do?

-not other cosmic striders, no. I believe the only people who know about the outside parts are me, my brother, a Quantum shifter of the previous island, and a few creatures of the next ones that I will not be talking about.

-no Tribakwiyan or Praying Terraformer?

-Tribakwiyan elders are polylanders, I thought you already know that.

-no, no I didn't, what is that?

-there are twelve Tribakwiyan elders, three in every part, every one hundred years, they sail to the closest island counterclockwise, for example the ones in Gwaxyguen go to Xymadroma, and the ones in Xymadroma go to Ompodelf, Tribakwiyan is the only creature group that is not specific to an island or part, which is why Praying Terraformers felt that they had the right to take their land from them, in which they are not justified.

-took? I thought Tribakwiyans were the ones who took the island, that's what the leader of the Terraformers told me. I even helped him permanently trap the three elders?


-I.. I thought that's what happened, what's the real story?

-you're supposed to be learning about us here, not them

-oh come on, please, I need to know so I can maybe fix my mistake.

-this is going to take long, here we go: after the rage outbreak, and after Qyn cursed every species with a specific curse, legends say that she said promising "some curses will start for some of you today, some will take thousands of years to activate, but I promise on my great vengeance, and furious anger, that no matter how many times you attempt to break the curse, that it will never be broken... unless.." and then she swept everyone away, we don't know what will allow us to break the curses once and for all, but we know it's at the very least possible, and that's enough hope.

The curse of Praying Terraformers got called the perplexing separation. The perplexing separation was officially revealed right after the rage outbreak. You see, every creature group got ejected onto one island, except for the Terraformers, they got separated, every bunch in got put on an island. Gwaxys and Guens told them that their curse is that no matter how many times throughout their future they'll regroup into one place, they'll never be able to truly inhabit it, or stay for long. A few thousands of years later, they all decided to invade the Tribakwistompactriderous island, and its name changed to Tribalchotomous, to highlight the current state of dichotomy the island is in, they took their land from them, and Tribakwiyans are risking their lives to get it back. You probably know that no one can get out of an island, except for me maybe, but no true Gwaxyguen citizen can switch islands, well, that's where Guenara rocks come to play; although goddess did not back away from her words, she did pity us, so twice a year, when Gwaxys and Guens come out to recharge, the next morning, two Guenara rocks always sway to the shores. The rocks always give the species magic that combats their curse, for example, it helps us combat barterschzepos, it makes nocturnal Queendom citizens bare the sunlight, you get it. And, if you as an entity do not need to combat your curse, you can use the rocks' energy to amplify your own magic. For Terraformers, the rocks allowed them to move from island to island, then when they finally got on Tribakwistompactriderous, Tribakwiyans refused to welcome them, so a war ignited, and from what I hear, currently, the Terraformers are the winning ones. I'm guessing they're now using the rocks to amplify their terraforming abilities, which is quite frightening to picture.

-oh... no.. what have I done?

-something very stupid, that's what you did.

-I need to fix it. I knew he had a dark heart, the way he treated them immediately after, I'm just an idiot who's dressed in mistakes.

-what will you do? Go back?

-if I have to, and I do, then absolutely.

-although I do agree, I do not believe it's the appropriate time for it, brother informed me that barterschzepos are coming here soon, plus you got two other places you need to visit and scout here, and some creatures to meet, then we need to figure out how you'll be able to perform Teir without having dots in your eyes.

-well, I- I have freckles, maybe they can substitute the eye dots?

-I don't know, either way it's no time for it right now, what it is time for, is for us to go visit, the cosmic graveyard"