evolution through stamina

And with Diov perishing, I felt like people's acceptance perished too, it always felt like they only tolerated me because they knew it was the right thing to do, not because they truly saw me as normal, their hearts didn't like me, their minds forced them to, and the person who was constantly awaking their guilt was Diov, they died, and people's guilt followed, I became the ugly swan of the group, you should see how nobody looks at me when I pass by, how their faces change when I talk to them, it's humiliating, looks bottling disgust, makes you feel filthy, useless, and a burden.

I decided it's best to just be on my own, with nobody bothering me, or me bothering nobody"

Alan slowly put his head down, he sighed, took a deep breath, gathering energy to talk, then spoke up



-ma'am get out, we will fetch your child

-I will not step foot out of this house knowing my child is still in it, either he gets out first, or we both do simultaneously, there is no third"

The carbon dioxide build-up in her lungs was stronger than her motherly love, she was able to use herself as a gas shield for her child but she had no shield herself, she poured all of the energy left in her in getting them out, then she collapsed the moment they reached safety, and never gotten up again, the damage had been done"

Tears streamed down the little kid's face as he called his mom shaking her lifeless body that gave back no response


And tears streamed down the adult's face as he remembered memories Hourer's story has triggered

"Listen, Hourer, I'm sorry for talking back in a sassy manner earlier, I wasn't aware of the emotional conflict that's been stirring inside of you for so long. Look at me, Hourer, do I look like anyone else?

-well, you do, you're an Artely

-am I?"

Alan has removed the Akkina cover and revealed his true from

"My species is called the human, I'm the only one of my kind in here, every time I go somewhere new, I always end up getting attacked and outcasted, I won't be surprised if you launch an attack at me in a bit when the freezing effects wear off, and just as soon as I build relationships and establish strong emotional bonds to the creatures, destiny forces me to move on, and restart all over again, I don't have people like myself, I don't have a home, and I barely have hope, just enough to keep me from completely losing my sanity. I never gave up, and neither should you, when you're inside of a tunnel, there light won't always be at the end, but if you keep digging, just like anything else in this world, darkness is not eternal, darkness has an end, the Yin could not exist without the Yang, and the tunnel will light up sooner or later, so will your life, Hourer.


"Could you tell me more about yourself? How and why you're on Nyangotrama.

-you know, when I first revealed my true self I really thought you were going to tell everyone else, Orahy told me that if any Logachtige knew I was here I would be taken out

-I have been judged for how I look for so long, I would never do the same to another creature, plus I hate Logachtiges, if they hate someone then that probably means that person is good, as they say, your enemy's enemy is your friend.

-well, they do seem like fascists, no offense

-none taken, I said I abhorred them, feel free to talk about them however you want. So, would you answer my first question?

-well I used to live in a planet called earth, I found this book that I'm holding right now and when I opened it, it sucked me in and put me here, Gwaxyguen. I discovered that I have a unique ability which is that I can learn any magic here unlike the other creatures, where each creature only has the magic specific to their kind. Ever since I've been travelling to a new island every time I finish learning the magic of the previous one's natives, I know Tribakwiyan sorcery, terraformer ground shifting, Quantum shifter DCM, cosmic strider TEIR, and now I'm here, Nyangotrama, to learn Gwantavision

-what about Blastakros? The Logachtige special magic

-well, from what I got told it's used to power charge their leaves to be able to duplicate shrooms, I don't have leaves, and the shroom situation will be ending when I leave Nyangotrama

-well what you heard wasn't technically wrong, but it is quite incomplete; when your soul connects with a Guenara rock, the Gwaxyguen water flowing inside your body to keep you and your leaves alive becomes a silver color, we call it silver water, when that water passes through your leaves, it supercharges them, so Blastakros doesn't actually affect your leaves directly, it affects you, your whole body, the water flowing through you that's transporting nutrients to all of your body and keeping them alive

-which would be.....blood

-what is that?

-I have a liquid inside of me that flows through my body and keeps all of its parts alive, it's mostly water, and it's called blood

-well, there you go, maybe you do need to learn Blastakros


-I'll teach you, no Logachtige has ever taught it to me besides Diov, and I would be more than happy to be your Diov.

-thank you, Hourer. I am forever grateful for the services you selflessly offered

-of course, now turn into an Artely again, you don't want to get caught"


Alan walked into the brewery room, everyone looked at him, amazed

"You're still alive?" Wers genuinely asked

"Why wouldn't I be?" Alan replied with a smile

"Well, bwesides the fact that you were privately hanging out with the most vicious Logachtige, there is no reason" Pnomal answered in a dead monotonous voice

"Anyone who seems angry, wrathful, vengeful, hateful or dead is someone who has been broken before and their shattered parts are still to be glued back together, sometimes when talking to them, you help with the gluing process, and they reveal the true them, removing that black shell they typically use to cover their fragile unhealed heart for you to see it, because they trust you with it, they trust that you will only help it rejuvenate, and Hourer is a broken soul that just needed someone who gave her a chance for once

-yeah whatever kid, just don't go around being a pacifist everywhere, you got lucky with this one, next time won't be as fun

-You said yourselves that Logachtiges only attack you when Sworvik attacks them, and they're making you work because they're scared they'd fail and pay the price, don't you think they also fit under the category of "I break because I'm broken", do you really think they'd put you through any labour if their lives weren't at constant danger?

-you know what, why do I even care about you, do what you want, it'd be entertaining seeing you go down anyway, wouldn't want to miss that

-Pnomal you're a real pain you know that?

-you are welcome."


Alan grunted, he has been sitting under the moonlight for an hour trying to learn Gwantavision, he made absolutely zero progress

"Taming hourer, a mentally draining conversation with Pnomal, I think both your body and soul have had enough for today, You will not be able to evolve if you do not rest, rest is crucial"

Alan turned around to see an Artely he's never seen before...