bloody whips, icy hearts

Two full moon Zancore potions, each one gives you fifty hours of sleep you can give, for example you can make one person fall asleep for fifty hours, or fifty people asleep for one hour each.

Two moonlight Zancore potions, each one grants you a Guengriv effect, where you can make someone see, feel, smell or taste something that's not there.

Two Ite potions, the ones that amplify the effects of a Guenara rock

Two Azyr potions, each ones makes you invisible for an hour

I hope they come in handy for you, use them wisely

-thank you, I will".

Akan hugged Pnomal for the last time, and said goodbye to everyone else, and the last person he visited was Hourer.

"It saddens me that you are exiting Nyangotrama without learning Blastakros, I really wish you were able to stick around longer

-I promise you, I'll try. I still have my old magic to get back, and Gwantavision and terraforming to master, with all of its amazing branches, plus the magic of the Touh people, Osors and Meskyors, if I find a window to train on Blastakros, I will take it.

-I understand. Good luck to you Alan, it was fun kicking Sworvik's butt with you

-it sure was. Until next time, Hourer".

Alan walked into the water, and as always, when Nyangotrama disappeared behind him, Touh appeared in front, and as soon as he got there he needed to hide, because there were creatures on the shores: they were black, as black as charcoal, there was ash on their skin, it wasn't a part of them, it was stacked up dirt and debris, their faces were spherical and their eyes were normal, they all had pickaxes and were mining stones, they looked lifeless and exasperated. There was one that wasn't mining, and he looked different, he had the same configuration but he was colored blue

"COME ON STOP BEING LAZY, MOVE." he sad flinging his whip, it made a scary noise breaking through the air, some of the workers winced, some kept the dead face, Alan figured that they got used to it.

"What is this? Alan whispered to himself, one second I was in a really emotional time and in a place filled with calm spiritual energy and now I'm witnessing slavery. Who are these Osors and Meskyors?"

Part V: your highness, greed.

Alan had no magic to defend himself, he also didn't want to waste the potions immediately, he wanted to leave them as a last resort, it felt like he was going to need them later.

Until now he saw no magic being performed, he saw a small cave to the side and went inside, then he focused and meditated, until he got into Gwantavision, he was able to move, just how he moved when he got teleported to Tribalchotomous, he used Gwantavision to discover the Island, no one was able to see him, plus he was able to float. The island was extremely big, with lots of wooden houses that looked dirty and modest on the outer perimeter of the island, then closer to he center, fancier houses appeared, separated from the wooden ones by a giant stone wall, then, in the middle of the island, was a castle, not as big as the one of the Queendom, but definitely big, separated from the fancy houses by a metal wall that's taller and thicker than the stone one.

Inside the castle there were a lot of workers that were of the black variant, like cleaners and cooks, some workers like servants were blue, and the royal family, that was easy to know from their clothes, were blue, the bluest of all. While discovering the rooms, Alan stumbled across a room with a unique one in it, he wasn't blue, he was teal, the creature stared at Alan's direction for a second then turned around and kept staring at the window. When Alan left, he spoke

"Hayet, who was that? What spirit is that?

-Pha, that wasn't a free spirit, that spirit is attached to a creature that came to visit, and their spirit can enter them and exit.

-are they new? I've never seen anyone like it before.

-yes, they are new, and they don't know that you, are able to view, where they are and what they do.

-why are they here?

-I don't know, but the spirit, with divine energy they flow.

-when we physically meet, I'm not going to tell them about myself.

-Pha, they're developed enough to be able to sense me inside of you, you can't hide from them too. They won't be able to tell what kind of magic you possess, but they'll know that you have magic nonetheless.

-maybe not forever but I will be stalling it. Ideally I would like for nobody to know about my identity.

-let's get out, ask your father to go on a walk and I'll take you to where the body lies, you can make its discovery look like an accident with a few lies, if anyone before you sees the creature they may try to kill it, the creature isn't hostile, their spirit isn't. If you reach them first we'll have a chance at getting to know who they are, and if they're from here or afar".


"Father, I'm going to watch the suns set, if you want me you'll find me around the second quarter of the perimeter.

-I will send guard to walk with you.

-no need, I'm vigilant enough, I can take care of myself, plus I want this time to be for me and just me

-father, I'm going out too, to watch the moons rise.

-oh come on, Geija please not tonight

-What? You're watching the suns set, I'm watching the moons rise, we're not even next to each other

-your sister is right, Pha, you both go, plus she'll be able to protect you if something happens. Geija don't remove your brother out of your radar.

-yes sir!" Replied Geija while saluting her dad with a smile.

While they were walking out, Pha spoke

"What is it this time?

-it's not like you to go watch the suns set, I feel like something odd is happening

-so you're going to stalk me?


-you know, you're so good at playing the role of the cute innocent girl who loves her family, everyone is tricked by it and nobody believes me, believes that you're a true menace, I gave up on convincing father.

-good, your attempts are as useless as your existence, now shut up and walk, I want to see what you're up to.

-you don't care for the moons, do you?" Pha asked with a sigh

"Oh, my baby brother, how gullible of you to still believe any word that comes out of my mouth is genuine"


Pha's patience outlasted Geija's curiosity, he just sat on the ground and watched the suns set, completely silent and still. He spent most of his life meditating, he could stay still for three days in a row if he had to.

"You're boring, I'm getting out of here, goodnight loser" said Geija after throwing a rock at him, and while walking off she yelled "I bet you wish you could do that" she was talking about shifting, only one out of every twenty Osor is born with it.