the dichotomous entities

Fire veins, one of the signature moves, uses a tactic that's close to what Pha is wanting to use for his aquatic pacification, I ask the spirit of fire to assist the person that got the fire veins temporarily, and fire had never turned me down. However, if it wanted to, it could.

-so, when does an element turn down a request?

-up until now, they've only done it if the spirit itself is not fit to handle the shifting, or is fit for it but still isn't developed enough, just like the newborn rockshifters, in the beginning they only train spiritually so that they could become developed enough for the earth element to aid them, earth only allows shifting if the spirit is Au, then allows it even better in Ujoul. Earth element extensions are shiftable only in higher Ujoul or Iquila, which I can tell, Velta is.

-so, I'm fit for the extensions.

-your connection to Velta is still severed, and although I can return it instantly, it is not my destiny to do so, it is yours, I could help you help her, however.

-I would be eternally grateful if you do so.

-very well,"

Hayet then reentered Pha and overtook his body, he was now fully under her control, she moved him around like a show and tell doll, then blasted a blue fire out of his hands right at Alan, which put him in deep sleep, then Pha kneeled besides him and put his hands on top of him, then he collected water from air by condensing the vapor, and covered Alan with it, the water started glowing in a shiny blue color. Hayet did to Alan exactly what Ecaura did to him when explaining the seven portals, except that Ecaura froze time inside that boulder but Hayet isn't capable of doing such a thing, she is however capable of entering one's consciousness.

"You think that just because you have detached yourself from worldly desires that the crown chakra will open, but that is not the case, it takes more than detachment, it takes jettison, and lots of equity in thought. I will be telling you how I, the spirit of life, and my companion, Mawt, the spirit of death, were born;

When the higher Spirit of Voul created AZ, it summoned two gods to look after it and flood it with life, Qyn and Sov.

Qyn is aggressive, she gets easily angry, wrathful, even. She is notorious for overthinking and doing too much, that it turns on her sometimes.

Sov is very calm, it takes a lot to get a reaction out of him, he meditates a lot and tries to do the least.

It was natural for both to have some fights over how things should be every now and then. One day, Qyn and Sov were arguing over how land should look like, Qyn elevated a whole bridge between the linked Portagons, and Sov withered it, it kept going on like that, until the shifted rocks of the bridge started glowing, they got exposed to so much magic that it started embedding them, the unstable energy mixed with a piece of mother earth generated life, and that life was the first two Quantum shifters ever, one was named Tehra, the other one was named Ecaura.

As Quantum shifter numbers grew, Qyn and Sov agreed on making a creature together that will be roaming the lands exclusively, because they only do water, and shifters do both, so it felt like it was going to created balance. The creature created is the Artely.

I got into your brain, I know that you know how all of the rest of the creatures came, and the one thousand year war, but you don't know why it's there; before Voul created Qyn and Sov, he laid all of the magic ever in front of them, and asked each to pick two magic abilites that only they will be able to provide, without the other god. One of the abilities Sov picked is elemental magic, now known as shifting.

Qyn wanted shifting so bad, she envied Sov for it.

The linked Portagons are two very small small island that exist on opposite sides of AZ, they link Gwaxyguen, Stilitra, Xymadroma and Ompodelf together, the north portagon and the south portagon. As a matter of fact the portagons are how the Gods divided the planet into four equal quarters.

In the middle of the Portagons there is a beacon, it shines forever and its beam is endlessly high. Every one thousand years, the beams tilt, until the south beam reaches the north beam and the north beam reaches the south one, and they create a circle around the spherical AZ planet. If a god touches one of the beams at that moment, they get transported to another planet, called Gon, where they get to see the future one thousand years ahead, and change two of its events, with rules

-you cannot directly or indirectly change the winner of the next battle

-you cannot wish for any of the parts that aren't yours

-you cannot wish for death upon any entity

-you cannot wish for unlimited or new powers

-the moment you exist Gon, you will forget about all of the one thousand years you saw, but you will at least know you made good wishes that will go in your favor

-and finally, you cannot wish to remember your time in Gon

There might be some more rules but those are the ones I recall.

Last fight was won by Qyn, and one of her wishes was to transport the two most powerful elemental spirits from Stilitra to Gwaxyguen and Xymadroma, before that, elemental magic was specific to Stilitra, not even Ompodelf.

The Stilitran Synchronised Volcanic Havoc; I know that you know that Stilitra is made of main land, and then four sub-islands with each belonging to an element, but before that, it was only made of those four islands, but they were much bigger than they are now. Each Island had a Volcano to its inner side, the side that when followed gets you to the opposite island, for earth it's air and for fire it's water. One day, the four volcanos that were thought to be dormant erupted in the most violent way ever, so violent that they broke a big chunk of their islands, parts of the fire and water volcanos gravitated toward each other, and so did parts of the earth and air volcanos. All four met in the middle, and they conjoined to form the now mainland elemental volcano. The volcanos realised what Voul was trying to do before the gods did; you see, you would think fire and water would hate each other because they're opposites, but opposites were never meant to fight, opposites have always been meant to complete each other, one is the Yin and the other is the Yang, without one the other falls. The gods did not embrace their dichotomy, because to their dare I say superficial thinking, they thought everyone should be on the same page, but diversity is desideratum to life, and especially the schism and duality type of diversity.

The fusion process of those volcano chunks created two opposite spirits in itself, Hayet and Mawt, the life and death spirits, me and my brother.