the curse of Touh

before he could reach the water, a giant boulder of rocks swiftly headed to him, it opened and devoured him inside then pulled him back and opened, it was Alan, he had himself covered with a shield of rocks that he curved in a way that redirects the water flow

"Alan? What are you doing here? Do you want to die?

-is that how you say thank you in Touh?

-Alan I'm only concerned about your safety, I'll help you go back to the castle

-no, I just saved your life, you need me just as much, we both can work together.

-but you can't shift water

-don't you realise that we were able to have a full on conversation without the water even bothering us, I created a rock shield around us that redirects the flow with its unique shape, the key isn't in resisting the water, because then I'd fail, the key is in redirecting it, I can't stop it but I can guide its movement. You fight water with water, I fight it with earth.Now come on, we got some people to save"

After six very long hours, the Tsunami stopped, and Pha finally had time to explain it to Alan

"The curse of Touh is that randomly every few weeks or months, a natural disaster happens, wiping out lots of us. Rockshifting has always been used to combat seismic disasters, but nobody has ever thought of utilising it the way you did out there when the disaster had water involved, I've always been the one to carry the weight

-didn't you say your identity is hidden?

-yes, it is, and now you're going to witness what I've done to you when you first saw me talking with Hayet be done to all of these people in the cave. Although they don't know my face, they know of a watershifter in Touh, and I cannot allow that"

Pha turned around and said "Hayet, memory withdrawal"

Multiple blue light beams came out of Pha's left eye, and red beams out of his right one, each time he locked eyes with someone one beam of every eye would fix itself onto their eyes, and he did it to everyone there, Hayet spoke, but only Pha was able to hear her

"may the element of water cleanse your minds, and may the element of fire combust the remaining traces of this event's memories".

Those beams sucked the memories of what happened from everyone there. Pha told the Meskyors that they got brought here for a special mining session when a bunch of rocks from the cafe's ceiling fell on them and made them faint, but they're now free to go. As for the Osors, everyone Pha saved was a soldier, so he told them that they were brought there to watch over the Meskyors.

While going back to the castle, Alan expressed how impressed Pha's moves were:

"I've never seen magic performed in such a sophisticated way, it's looked like you really knew what you were doing, you didn't struggle one bit.

-Memory withdrawal is a move that has been mastered by many bishifters before me, my past lives. Once you are connected with Hayet enough, you are able to acquire their knowledge, or at least some of it.

-you have the knowledge of fourteen other people?

-I do to a certain extent.

-that's amazing! You can totally create a signature move easily with that.

-not really, you see, the more you create, the harder creation gets, and knowledge here is your weakness; the first move was literally piercing fire inside someone's body, fire veins, it was extremely easy but since it was the first it gave a result that has never been seen before, so it counted. Not only does creating moves become harder the more moves get created, but the definition of a move itself gets more chipped up and narrowed down too. I hope that by the time one of my next lifetimes cannot create anything anymore, Touh will no longer be needing a bishifter to try and balance this corrupt system, but that day is still not here yet, so bishifting will not die with Pha, I won't allow it. One day I'll see aquatic pacification in front of me, before it's too late.

-I believe you will, Pha, I wholeheartedly do. I still have a question though, about the Tsunami, WHAT WAS THAT? IT WAS EASILY OVER FOUR KILOMETRES TALL, THAT'S ABSURD.

-Didn't you hear the siren? It was a Guen induced Tsunami, not the regular one.

-what is that?

-remember when Hayet told you the story of her and Mawt, well, it was a bit...abbreviated; the Pond of giving is an energy pond found inside the mainland elemental Volcano of Stilitra. For an entity to be a shifter, they need two things, a spirit, so it can carry the element, and an element, carried by the spirit. Every spirit has the element its entity shifts in them, Hayet has water and fire in her. When Qyn wished to Take Hayet and Mawt, she was cunning about it, she didn't order the spirits to teleport, she sent a lot of Guens to fetch Hayet, and Dromas to fetch Mawt. When they arrived to the volcano, they touched The Pond of giving, Guens got water, Dromas got earth. A Guen induced Tsunami is a Tsunami that gets initiated via Qyn herself, then Guens form a circle around the island and keep the water streams strong, for a random time each time.

-Qyn is really something isn't she?

-she is, and she's aware of it.

-sanctimonious much?


-I guessed. This is the first time I got to discover her this personally, I always thought her being a god meant she's divine; omnipotent and extremely wise, unable to make mistakes

-well, she is to a degree, but she's not perfect, and being a god, a mistake from your part could change the future of everybody else, your decisions have a heavy impact on everyone and everything".


"Due to the damage the Tsunami caused, the Meskyors will be working with only three hours of sleep a day for the next two week

-this is insanity, literal insanity.

-I beg your pardon, son?

-dad, they physically can't, you can work them to death all you want but if you touch their sleeping hours that won't be doable anymore, sleep is something you can't adapt to less of, you either get your need or you don't work as hard as you could.

-well, we'll see about it.

-no, we won't" Alan interrupted "if you don't allow the Meskyors to sleep I'll be sure I will

-what do you mean?

-you will be finding out if you chose to stick to your word.

-I do

-alright, then. I shall be exiting.

-Alan, if you chose to go against me, you have gone against my nation

-it's not yours, that's one. Two, I want you to get something to your shallow empty head, nothing you guys have created, made, perfected, or even thought of, could stop me, nothing".

Geija elevated a cone from the ground and enclosed Alan then asked sarcastically "not even that?"

Alan shattered the cone into smitheries and said "no, and now if you'll excuse me, I have some TEIR to do"

Alan levitated up, he broke a window and exited through it. Glen and Geija were flabbergasted

"What...did he just do?

-it's called Akkina, one of the magic moves of his, allows him to defy gravity, and that's the least impressive of his magic. Good luck stopping him, his magic is like nothing we've ever seen" Pha replied


"The enslaved people of Touh, please hear me out...