the island of furtiveness

Alan and Pha woke up.

"Hey Alan, could you reverse the sleep you gave them? Now that Touh's leeches are gone, there's no need to sedate these guys.

-Sadly, I can't. However, it will wear off eventually, they don't need to be kept warm, fed or anything, they'll wake up just fine, you could use the time for your benefit, change some infrastructure, you and the Osors that you didn't get rid of

-don't say that word again.


-Osors. We're no longer divided just because of meaningless colors, we are once again, the Meskosors, as we were always meant to be".

Alan helped Pha tear down the whole castle, they demolished every single piece of it, they kept the golden floor of the throne room, Pha blasted fire at it and engraved the sentence "there will never be a time where the people are starving while the leader is walking on a ground of gold, again."

The walls were too big for Alan to take down himself, even the castle took a full day of terraforming, and Pha knew that Alan had to keep going.

"I leave you with one piece of advice, Alan. What we have done and experienced, although ordeal was desideratum, sometimes choosing the pacific rout in life doesn't work, have an opinion, stick to it, fight for it viciously, especially when all of nature is at union with it, because it becomes more of a factual truth than a mere opinion, and its establishment is worth fighting for. Centrism isn't always the answer.

-thank you, Pha. And thank you Hayet, for you both have opened my and Velta's eyes to a new prospective of life, I will be using the knowledge to guide me throughout my time in Triqwen.

-Beware Alan, Triqwen is the only island of the seven that we know nothing about, rumors have it that even Qyn doesn't know everything there, we only know the name of it, no size, no components, no creatures, no curse.

-that's exciting and terrifying at the same time, I have to have all of my magic ready, just in case.

-sure you do, and speaking of, I took away all of your Guenara rocks, and got you ten new ones, I hope they'd help you.

-thank you so much, Pha. They will serve of great help. I just need to find a way to..wait.. Azyr, I have two Azyr potions!

-what is that?

-it makes you invisible for an hour, I will take one right before leaving, it will protect me from getting noticed right away, in case the creatures there aren't of the friendly kind.

-that's ideal, I hope Triqwenees won't give you a hard time.

-hey, I'm used to it. Plus, I filled over half of Xynar, I don't have much time remaining, maybe Triqwen will finish the pages, who knows? For now I leave you Pha, we may meet again when I'm passing by to go save the Tribakwiyans, and we may not.

-good luck, brave shifter, use your metalshiting to your advantage, and stay vigilant".

Alan drank the potion and as soon as he finished it he instantly vanished, this time he used Kawazma, he didn't want to get in the waters. Reaching Triqwen was easy enough, and there he landed.

Part VI: lessons from the absolutes

Alan saw the Triqwenees immediately, and they saw him too, his invisibility disappeared as soon as he touched the land, what Alan didn't know is that Triqwen had an energy shield around it that prevented any form of potion effects from being present;

There were six colors of the Triqwenees, pacific blue, brick red, Orange, Emerald green, Lilac, Sand yellow. They all had a circle in the middle of their chests, its shade ranged from obsolete black to pearly white, and every grey in between, every individual's was different, some had the same color.

As Alan approached them, the yellow ones that had darker leaning circles started shivering, fidgeting, and looking visibility anxious, most yellow ones had dark circles, Alan went to a blue one and asked "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but is there like an elder in here or someone I could talk to

-there are six elders, all spaced out throughout the forest, one for each group of us, which one do you want to talk to?

-since you're blue, take me to the blue one first.

-come with me"

They were all wrong, the biggest Island of Gwaxyguen was Triqwen, it was so big it would take days walking and hours flying to get from extreme to other, just going to the elder took half the day

"Sensei El, a visitor has arrived" said the blue person, then left. Alan entered and found the elder, he was grey in color with a blue circle.

"Welcome, traveler. May I be of any assistance?"

Alan explained everything to him, from his origin to the reason he landed on Triqwen, and asked El to walk him through the dynamics of the island.

"Triqwen is not an easy island to understand, bear with me; the citizens are called Foy, there are six elder Foys, an elder starts off as a regular Foy, but upon the previous elder dying, the creature that elder used to connect to chooses a new one immediately, and turns them grey, with their Nesk, the circle in their chest, turning the color of that creature's group, which is why my Nesk is blue.

-what do you mean by "creature that elder used to connect to"?

-the curse of Triqwen are six creatures, these creatures live in different places in Triqwen, and they influence Foys, the blues are under the influence of "the mother of pearl", for the orange, it's "the Lord of souls", the Lilac, they belong to "the shed pacifist", "the Labyrinth perplexor" controls the yellows, the reds are ruled by "The Nihilist", and the greens are the people of "The Guardian of the sky". Randomly throughout the year, a creature's connection to their people amplifies, and it influences their behaviour, for example, mother of pearl influences her people by making then extremely selfless, I'm not meaning the regular selflessness, I mean so selfless if they see you got a cut they will cut a part of their skin to sew on yours, it goes to the extreme. Her opposite is the Lord of souls, he encourages greed and selfishness. The shed pacifist plants purity and oblivion in his people, his opposite, the Labyrinth perplexor, hovers his people with despair and anxiety, matter of fact, these days the Labyrinth perplexor's effects are starting to take action

-that explains why the yellow Foys got scared of me.

-of course the Nihilist is about hopelessness and giving up, surrendering, suicide. The most vicious of them all, tied with the Guardian of the sky, who's about hope, longevity, and life. The more a Foy is affected by the creature, the darker their nesk gets. The elders do not get affected by anyone, their job is to try and talk to the creatures to try and minimise the intensity or shorten the period of time of their effects, the Guenara rocks give the elders a magical ability called the voice of Truth, elders do not understand regular words, only by speaking the language of truth could they understand us. The voice is given, the power to influence someone through speech is acquired.

-Xynar intervention-
