letting go; misanthropy

Alan looked like himself, but he was transparent with a shimmery blue hue, it was Velta. This is the first time she was left alone, forced out of her body. It was white and empty in every direction, an eternal universe of whiteness, where no one and nothing exist.

Velta sat down, creatures appeared in front of her, they looked a lot like the Nocturnal swipers, the ones who first tied Alan up back at the Nocturnal Queendom,

"Who are you?

-The nitsu stealth.

-why are you here?

-to test your limits, Velta. Hear us out;

Boo was not ready to submit to the fact that his people had no true land, or embrace it. He wanted to change the unchangeable, to reshape his destiny on the account of others', he cared not for the distress he caused, the houses he annihilated, the people he tortured, because he wasn't going to let anything stand between him and his wants. He will be let down someday, Qyn's hex is still activated, it is only a matter of time before his actions backfire.

The Barterschzepos were no different, their fragile selves could not bare the fact that they're limited, they tried to achieve omnipotence by destroying those greater than them, so that the only ones remaining be them, which would make them the strongest to be existing. A very cheap strategy created by very shallow souls.

The Logachtiges were not ready to put in the needed work for continuity and survival, they rather enslaved the Artelys. The Logachtiges favoured torturing others and forcefully making them do their work over taking accountability.

And the Osors did too, way more aggressively. They, who lived on the shores deemed themselves superior for no reason other than color and location.

The common trait between all of these people is selfishness, but they weren't the only selfish ones, everyone is selfish;

Ecaura refused to fight the gods because she knew doing so would lead to her demised, she was selfish.

Okko hid some of his knowledge about potion making and brewing, he was selfish.

Pha hid his magic from people to protect himself, he was selfish.

There are two types of selfishness; one where thy acts bleed onto others, and one where they don't.

What distinguishes the bad of people from the good is to what extent they could control their greed, and at what, or who's expense are they willing to satisfy it, but the trait is in everyone, no matter how much it may appear like it isn't at first.

Think, Alan, what other trait is in all of you beings, what is it?

-possessiveness, fear.

-of course, those two, they inhabit all of you, Gwaxyguen has done an amazing job at showing you how those two are related;

When someone fears something, it means that they do not feel in control of the situation, it has gotten out of their hands, and that's where the need to possess is birthed,

Duality is the essence of nature. When someone feels endangered, they will either flee or stand their ground and fight, two opposite actions birthed from the same emotion, fear. Though humans tend to judge the "weak", the "crybaby" and the "one who didn't stand up for themself", they think the strong, the dry eyed and the fighter are better, whereas adaptation is the mother of discernment, as a response to tragedy and misfortune, the human may explode like a bomb and gush tears out, or allow the bomb to explode within them and destroy their emotions to oblivion, thus making themself numb, anhedonic. To be wealthy, you either work hard, or steal, and by that example we tell you, that two dichotomous acts could stem out of the same emotion, and no matter how many reactions that seem to exist, the spectrum is linear, and it's up to you to discern whether a reactions falls on the right, or the left.

Rare are those who create a third path, a path that not many have been exposed to, a path that many have been exposed to but none followed, a path that many have been exposed to and followed but did not commit to. Discipline and commitment are the armour you use to achieve your desires, motivation sways, it comes and goes, it isn't stable, but discipline depends on how much you want it, not how much you want to want it, many lack, they have a goal in between their eyes, but the fire within them ends before their legs could cross the bridge to the other side and they crumble, setting a goal too far is the equivalent of setting oneself up to failure, you cannot touch a cloud if you jump, you cannot get sculpted from a week of exercising, you cannot get rich from one sale, but those who rush are not to witness a result, those who enjoy the work they do and the things they create and only consider the outcome as a biproduct will reach it, as the person who loves walking would walk further than the person who loves the destination, immerse yourself in what you do, morph into your craft.

Back to the third path; finding the grey in a world of black and white is not easy; since your conception they poison your mind with it, you're either emotional or rational, spiritual or scientific, they say it so much you forget you can be both simultaneously, and just because the ancestors of ours chose a path of right or left does not mean the middle doesn't exist, not just the middle, but the center of gravity, as each characteristic should be present in you, no matter how dichotomous two seem to be, and it is up to your discernment to know when to use one more than the other, but remember, duality of entities and personal emotions is a complex puzzle that's pieces are dichotomous emotions, as they are meant to coexist within the unit and work together synchronised, not separate,

brain and heart cannot stay alive alone.

As it is the Nitsu's job to teach an entity about the absolutes of emotions, and in the ballpark of duality, we think it is desideratum for Alan to know more; there's not one right way to work when it comes to teamwork, there is not one correct way to motivate people, as your teammates are different, and different people require different strategies. There are two ways to get someone to do something, either praise or threat, soft people tend to work better with praise, they appreciate being appreciated and feel the need not to disappoint, stubborn people work with threats, personal threats, anything that would cause them personal harm, unless you're working with a desensitised individual, or a soft one who's hard at core, or the opposite, you are to follow our ways. Threats do work for the soft as does praise for the harsh, but only momentarily, the threats will overwhelm the soft, they will stress them out and break them down, it is as if you're pouring lava on water, the water will evaporate slowly until perishing, as for the stubborn, praising them is the example of wanting to move a huge rock with wind, sure it could, but only slightly and rarely, sometimes to get to the gem of productivity inside of someone you have to obliterate the surrounding cover, as the best materials that destroy a rock are the ones stronger than it.

And now onto the most important ability to learn, soul mending.