chapter Hundred: Gunshots

" Then let's hope they are just here to eat," Becca said and hung up then looked at Raquel whose hands were slightly trembling on the table.

" So what are we going to do about them?" The manager asked in a whisper and Becca sighed.

" We do nothing. If they just want to eat, that's what they will do. When they are done, they will leave." She answered, trying to act bold.

" But the other customers... They are scared of those men." The manager stammered.

" Then serve them pronto, so we can move them along."

Becca understood that Leo was worried and wanted her to be safe but she didn't always need to be protected. She wasn't a damn damsel in distress. No, she was the owner of this restaurant and she didn't want to flee the place on her own and leave Raquel or even the other people in there.

Then the memory of the night she was attacked flashed through her mind but she quickly shoved it aside. This wasn't the time to cower in fear or shudder.