Chapter(Hundred)Twenty Four: Wheelchair

Leo hated his wheelchair. He despised having the wretched thing anywhere near him, and though he never truly expressed his hatred for it, the silent glares he sent or even the hostile frown he had on his face when he first sat on it passed a clear message across. As expected, Becca was the first one to detect his disdain for the wheelchair as he prayed it would burn in hell because that was exactly where things like it belonged. In hell.

At some point in the matter, Becca didn't even understand where his resentment was from anymore. She tried. She did her best to pacify his bitterness by getting him a wheelchair of his favorite color. Black, hoping he would hate it less. Colors have always been a turning factor for her. One minute she might completely hate something but if that same thing turns blue the next, it automatically goes from being the most repulsive aspect of existence to being fairly acceptable.