Chapter(Hundred) Fifty Two: Stories

With his legs tangled up with hers in a lazy sprawl, Leo soothed Becca with his hand, occasionally taking a lock of her hair and twirling it around his finger. He did it with a smile and Becca smiled too, feeling compelled. They laid there, bare and in each other's company, basking in the solace they provided one another— in the irenic silence that fueled the intense passion lingering within.

Becca stirred, trying to get more comfortable as she laid on top of him.

" So we will be meeting your family, huh? She lifted her head from his shoulders to stare at him. " Is there anything I mean to know about them?" 

She asked, holding her breath as she prayed silently for him not to tense up again, praying that his subconscious doesn't misconstrue her question as an intrusion but perceive it as her way of slowly getting him to open up— her way of bonding with him.