Chapter(Hundred) Sixty Three: My son

But even now to this day, she couldn't stymie her brain from trying to formulate excuses to justify Salvador's actions. They fight, he hurts her then they hug, it was a vicious cycle. 

People still told them they made a cute couple and like a fool, she believed it.

A wrenching silence enshrouded them. Becca was tranquilized with shock and for the next few seconds, she was lost for words. And despite her efforts to debar her mind from linking Leo's father to Salvador, she still espied the similarities. Both hit their wives. 

Becca's eyes were wide with shock, and intrigue, and there wasn't a speck of the anger that rumbled in her when she was downstairs with Leo. Fernanda fought the urge to pat herself on the back for a mission well done. Even though it took being transparent about some of the things she went through in her youth, she still successfully distracted Becca from packing and from staying livid.