Chapter (Hundred) Sixty Eight: Jet

The days flew like dust particles carried by a gust of wind. It flew by too fast, too swift, at a speed even Becca couldn't comprehend and now the day had come. The day she would willingly torch hours of her life on a plane and pretend she had fun on the excruciatingly long flight to Italy.

Becca always got a tiny bit anxious right before every trip she took. Though she fancied flipping through travel magazines, wishing her all-year-round packed schedule would clear up so she could take a chance to dip her toes in one of the many hot springs the Bahamas had to offer but then her reverie would be demolished by the fact that she hated traveling. She loved engaging in new experiences, she adored the thought of being in a fresh environment that she had no knowledge of, but it was a journey, the long anxiety-infused wait that never rubbed her the right way.