Chapter(Hundred) Seventy Two: unfair

After the little yet informative discussion both brothers had with one another, Thiago left for his class that he was already horribly late to and Ernesto got into his car, heading for Damien's house. They had something to discuss, something so urgent, it couldn't wait.

Confrontation was his forte, whereas lying and giving excuses apparently were Damien's.

Ernesto pushed through the entrance with wide strides, anger distorting his thoughts— his focus incoherent— as his eyes perused the place in haste, he didn't see one of the help walking towards him.

He bumped into her, his elbow knocking down the jug she held, and water splashed from it all over him. A gasp absconded the woman's lips as the glass jug slipped from her grasp and plummeted to the floor, shattering into shards. For a fleeting moment, her eyes were wide with horror, soon overcome with unfathomable anger, her mouth sour with frustration.