Chapter (Hundred) Eighty Two: Best Friends

The question still hung in the air around them.

Will you accept my ring and allow me to be a part of all the moments in your life? 

Her heart raced.

Becca stared down at the ring, the diamond gleaming with reflected light. This shouldn't even be a question. She didn't have to cogitate over her response before giving it. Despite how unforeseen the proposal might have been on her part, she didn't need to mull over it.

Words were too far a reach right now so she nodded, rather fervidly… Her smile burgeoned, but the tears continued teeming down her eyes.

Taking deep, mollifying breaths, she hunkered down in front of Leo, folded her arms around him and squeezed. He let her sob on his shoulder, to hug out the barraging emotions. 

They stayed that way for about a minute, maybe even two, until Becca regained her ability to speak.