Chapter (Hundred) Eighty Six: Violin

Watching Leo get dressed was gradually becoming one of Becca's beloved hobbies. She could swear on everything she owned that she wasn't a pervert but there was just this enthralling fluidity in his actions— whether it was zipping up his pants or taking off his shirt— that always left her cheeks hot and her heart pounding. It wasn't just his body— though that was a masterpiece on its own— but it was the intricate tattoos starting on his shoulders, dark ink pouring down his chiseled torso.

Leo, in several instances, had caught her blatant stares on his abs, his arms, and each time he found himself being amused by her wide eye fascination when she had stared at his body time and time again. He usually never comments on it but today… Today, when he caught a short glimpse of that expression on her face, the one that unmistakably looks like admiration and an unsubtle hint of lust in her beautiful eyes— eyes that he wished he could always get sucked into.