Chapter(Hundred) Ninety: Gamble

Four days prior…

It had been a long shift and just as Angela was going to clock out for the day, she paused momentarily, watching her boss, Damien Kane, striding through the foyer, rolling his suitcase while the blond man from earlier followed him from behind. 

She threw a cursory glance at the suitcase trailing behind Damien. It was light luggage. Angela knew her boss was a man fond of traveling a lot, he rarely even spent time at his own house; that was a fact she realized within the brief duration that she had been working there but she knew nothing when it came to the man walking behind Damien. Staring at both men at once, Angela could now spot some similarities between them, and at the same time, she could map out the differences. 

Brothers, perhaps? Ones with a lot of issues to work through.

Neither of them wore a smile, their expression almost austere as they headed for the entrance, coincidentally where Angela was standing.