Chapter(Hundred) Ninety Four: Bartender

As discussed, Ernesto waited for Angela mere paces outside the cafe after its closing at 6 p.m. And with both hands stuffed deep into his pockets, he tried to hide how his nervousness worsened with every second of the wait. Never in his life had a woman ever gotten to him this much, most especially one who he merely knew rudimentary facts about.

He looked down at his watch as the minutes stretched long and at that moment of distraction, a flurry of footsteps scurried towards him.

" Hey," Angela said, waving as she approached him. She wore that, honest to God, iridescent smile of hers but unlike that afternoon, her hair wasn't held up with a scrunchie anymore. Long dark hair cascaded her shoulders in beautiful curly waves, and on approaching him, several tendrils of hair fell to her face.