Chapter (Hundred) Ninety Seven: That child

The fury in Leo's gaze was palpable all the way up the terrace. The wheels in Damien's mind began to spin. He instinctively sensed something amiss. This was their grandmother's party and Fernanda was the only person Leo truly cared about in the family. There was no discernible reason why Leo would be outraged… unless the party had nothing to do with his anger. 

" What are you staring at?" Becca's voice cut Damien from his thoughts. When he didn't respond, she stepped forward and peered out of the terrace, only for her gaze to meet Leo's.

With a smile, Becca waved down at him, oblivious to the chaos that brewed all around her. But Becca's ignorant bliss proved ephemeral when her gut instincts kicked as she too sensed something was awry. An inquisitive scowl marred her face and she stared at Damien. Even if Damien had noticed the question lining her expression, he didn't make an effort to provide her with the answers she craved.