how do I look

Everyone was sitted at the dinning table for breakfast.

Amber chose to seat next to belle to avoid anymore conflict .

Yesterday when they came back only Leon's father was awake to welcome them back.

"Son you could have woken your mother up when you arrived " Mary said

"It's ok Mother I didn't want to wake anyone up"

"Matilda waited for you son and got tired and went back home poor girl" she feigned sadness but it was obvious No one was buying it.

"She wasn't meant to be here in the first place mother" Leon said very indifferent.

"Leon don't say that ,it's your future wife you're talking about."

"Mother we will leave now I have alot of work at the office" he got up to leave and Amber quickly followed behind him.

They got to the car they were to use together and she breathed a sigh of relief, she just cannot stand staying in the same place with his family.

"You don't need to go to work I told you to take a two months break'll get your full payment " he said to her still facing the window.

"I know but no offence I just can't handle your family Leon "

He didn't respond to her which made her wonder if she triggered him again.

They got to the office and everyone went their separate way.

Amber had a lot to do since there was a conference at the company's conference room and her team was in charge of the meals.

Leon on the other hand had to catch up on work but was glad he asked his father for help.


"Mother he's back " Matilda told his mother jumping up and down.

"Finally now it's your time honey go get your man back"

"Ok let me go dress up mother tell me..... what should I wear" she asked excitedly

"Wear something super sexy and inviting you need all his attention ... remind him why he choose you dear"

"Yes mother I'll do just that."

Matilda took a quick shower. She put on her romantic body spray ,a pink wig to go with pink eye shadow and pink lip stick . She wore a pink strapless mid thigh dress paired with black three inch heels and she was ready to go.

"" she called as she got in to every room in the house .

"Where did she go" She could not find her mother and she needed some validation from someone stylish .

"Hey ,you ....come here " she called on to a passing maid.

"Yes ma'am " she had her head bowed down.

"What do you think of my look" she twirled around .

"You look beautiful ma'am " Matilda raised a brow at her.

"Do you mean I look normal beautiful or extra ordinarily beautiful "

" You look very beautiful extremely stunning"

"Have you seen anyone look this good before "

"Maybe on television ma'am never in real life" she answered badly wanting to be released .

"hhhm ok leave now" She walked out of the house and drove to Leon's office.