
Right after sasuke killed geto he fell unconscious but naruto was able to stop him just in time, while the whole village was also gathered by Inari they finished the rest of the thugs.


Sasuke was taken by the villagers to tazuna's house and the doctor of the village started to treat sasuke, Sakura had also woken up and had been feeling sad the whole time because sasuke was really injured.






I woke up and the first thing I felt was pain, my arm was killing me I tried to get up but my body was hurting too much I just layed down and kept on dealing with the pain.


Soon an old man entered the room and was surprised to see me awake for some reason "well you woke up quicker than I thought, that's good" said the old man "let me call your friends in here" continued the old man and he exited the room.


Soon Kakashi Sakura and naruto entered the room and Sakura immediately jumped and bearhugged me, that wasn't helping at all because my body was already in pain.


Kakashi came in for the save and took Sakura off me I was basically crying looking at Kakashi he was my saviour 😭😭. I was saved but as I was in hopes of getting rest.


"NOW TIME FOR YOUR LECTURE, HOW COULD YOU FIGTH AGAINST THAT MANY PEOPLE WHEN YOU WERE THAT INJURED.... BLAH BLAH....." Kakashi started lecturing my and i was feeling betrayed on a whole different level.


After the lecture "get well soon I want to eat the chicken that is sold right beside tazuna's house with you dattebayo" said naruto.


"ohhh is the chicken good?" I asked out of curiosity I was really hungry and wanted to eat some good food.


"I don't know but i have heard that it is the best in this village" said naruto and both of us had sparkles in our eyes.


"okay we will go and eat that chicken when sasuke recovers together" said Kakashi and naruto and I cheered but i had forgotten about my injuries in the thought of chicken and I had raised my broken arm.


"AHHHHHHHHHH" I shouted as I felt the pain of my life "hahahahaha" all of them started laughing.


While I was on my bed I was still training I was using my Chakra to control a puppet, it was a small wodden doll made by a small girl as a thank you.


When I saw that doll I remembered that there was puppetry in the naruto world and it could be a lethal surprise weapon if used properly.


It was really hard to make it move without making too many movements because if I moved to roughly my whole body would be in pain.


I just made the wodden doll do some dabs or backflips I tried to make it do the worm but it started to crack so I stopped.


But my body was also healing on a fast rate it would probably be healed by day after tommorow.


I gave the doll a small stick and started to make him do sword fighting it was acting as a small training for me as well.


I even made some other small ice dolls and recreated the fight between me and Haku and started to see what I could have done to suffer less damage.


I was also observing what Haku could have done that would have damaged me more, I played the different scenario where Haku was using different attacks that would have damaged me more and started to think of counters.


Like that two days passed and my body was back to healthy, I went and surprised all there of them they were training and I just threw a kunai in the middle both Kakashi and naruto dodged but Sakura couldn't.


As it was drawing near her she just covered her face and screamed but i had connected a chakra string on it I just pulled it back towards me and started swinging it around my hand.


"SASUKE/SASUKE-KUN" shouted all three of them in surprise, naruto immediately jumped towards me and asked "what did you just do? That was so cool, teach me"


"okay okay I will teach it to you after the chicken" I replied and he just jumped in the air and shouted "hell yea"


We went to the shop and ordered the food but they said it was free for us so we had to use it to our fullest.


We all ordered the large bowl for the three of us but Sakura just ordered for a small one I guess she was on a diet.


It came and the smell was heavenly just by its odour my hunger had doubled Kakashi immediately finished his bowl I wonder if he even chews his food.


I and naruto just started to eat it slowly and the taste was heavenly It wasn't as good as ichiraku but it was still delecious "UMAI" shouted both of us.


"haha it is the best in the village after all" said Kakashi