Water vs fire

Orochimaru was pushed back by the punch but he was able to kick the clone and defeat it. Sasuke retreated and held his sword in front of him, orochimaru understood what that mean and he also took out his kunai and looked at sasuke in the eye.


There was a short pause between them as a gust of wind flew past them, a leaf flew down a tree as they both watched it.... The leaf touched the ground and immediately both of them disappeared from their previous spots and started to clash.






Were the sounds of metal clashing against each other as both of them blocked each other's attacks and attacked each other. Both of them travelled at great speeds as such not even their blades were visible. There were only sparks produced all around the battlefield.


They both had around the same speed but still orochimaru had the upper hand because of his experience and also the fact that he was holding back made sasuke shiver because of excitement.


Orochimaru started to increase his speed to the point sasuke's sharingan couldn't catch up to it.


Orochimaru started to punch sasuke from different angles at the same time, sasuke was being thrown around the forest like a bag of trash.


Orochimaru was about to stab a kunai through sasuke's arm but suddenly a shout could be heard.


Sakura - SASUKE KUN!!!!!!!


Immediately sasuke's sharingan turned and another tomoe appeared, as the kunai was about to reach sasuke. He swang his sword with fire chakra as a small dragon of fire appeared in front of the sword.


Orochimaru tried to deflect the attack with his kunai but the attack was too strong, the sword smoothly slashed through the kunai and cut off orochimaru's arm.


Orochimaru retreated on top of a branch as his hand fell down the tree to the ground.


Orochimaru - Being able to cut off my arm you trully are outstanding.


Orochimaru said as again an arm started to form on the cut, soon it was completely regenerated.


Orochimaru - Now let's finish this... I will show you tru...wh...at?


Suddenky orochimaru tripped and fell to his knees, the newly formed arm started to turn blue.


Sasuke - did you think I would underestimate you and leave you with just a chopped off arm?


Orochimaru - th..is..... Its..the....spider..qu...ens...venom.


Orochimaru said as he vomited a bunch of blood.


Sakura - Did he defeat him?.


Orochimaru - Trully impressive but unfortunately for you I was your enemy.


Orochimaru smiled as he opened his mouth to the fullest and the true orochimaru appeared out of the disguise.


Sasuke - I never expected it to kill you!


Orochimaru - heh now lets see how you deal with this..... Shadow clone jutsu.


Orochimaru said as 4 clones appeared on different trees, sasuke at first thought they were going to attack him but he noticed their formation, sakura was right in between them.


Sasuke - SAKURA!!!!


Orochimaru - you noticed.... But its too late.


All the five orochimaru's did some hand signs and all of them released a water jutsu as 5 huge water streams flew down the trees as they devoured the oath in front of the and headed towards Sakura.


Sakura - sorry.... Sasuke kun!


Sasuke - shut up you are going to live.


Sasuke appeared in front of her as he stared at the water stream coming towards him.


Sasuke inhaled all the air be could as his chest swelled up, he used all of his spiritual energy that he could use and released a huge fire wave that covered 1/4th of the forest.


Even orochimaru was shocked after looking at the fire, the fire clashed with the water with absolute force there was a huge gush of wind that pushed away everything from the clash.


The water extinguished the fire while the fire turned the water into steam, as both the sides clashed with all their force the whole forest started to tremble because of the fire.


Even anko and the jonins felt the chakra and the earthquake and they headed into the forest to find out the cause of the huge chakras, but they already had an idea about one of them but the other one was unknown.


A huge blash occurred which pushed back both sasukr and orochimaru. Both of them were in the ground but orochimaru stood up because he hadn't exhausted his chakra yet.


But sasuke on the other hand was completely emptied of chakra, he couldn't even move even slightest of the movements made his body tremble with pain.


Orochimaru - *huff*you proved to be a challenge more than I expected.... But now you cannot move anymore..so sad you don't have enough Chakra to back your fighting skills.


Sasuke just let out a laugh as he was filled with pain, he also had a lot of burns on him because of the steam blast released by the clash.


Why did sasuke not use his ice? Its because if he had he would have attracted a lot more attention from orochimaru as well as the hokage and probably even danzo.


If orochimaru knew sasuke could copy kekkie genkai he would have probably kidnapped him at the moment rather than giving him cursed mark and waste time.


Sasuke didn't want to take that risk.... Atleast not yet, sasuke slowly stood up as he put his sword on the ground and rested his arms on it.


He was covered with blood and the sword was also being covered with his blood.


Sasuke - This time you won because of your chakra.... Just you wait when I increase my reserves I will kill you myself.


Sasuke's sharingan had deactivated but right now sasuke's gaze was as intimidating as a sharingan, even orochimaru gulped at the pressure.


He couldn't believe the will of the uchiha, normally when one is drained out of Chakra the pain he would feel from even breathing was immense and most ninjas would pass out from the pain itself.


While this kid who wasn't even a chunin yet is standing with the pain and even talking without flinching..... What a monster.


Orochimaru - so you are in need of power..... How about I give you some.


Orochimaru said as he extended his neck and but sasuke's neck and placed the cursed chakra and immediately a kunai was about to hit orochimaru.




Anko shouted as she immediately appeared and punched orochimaru, orochimaru just used this as a way to escape and before going.


Orochimaru - If you need power come to me..... Uchiha sasuke!!


And he disappeared.


Anko and the jonins looked towards the kid orochimaru was referring to and were shocked to see what had happened.


The whole area was covered with sasuke's blood while he was standing with his sword in a royal position with blood flowing Down his body.


Naruto had finally defeated the snake and he appeared and saw sasuke's condition.


Naruto -..... Wha...... WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED!!!!


Naruto ran towards sasuke who was still standing there tolerating the absolute pain that would have destroyed anyone's mind.


Sasuke - N... Nothing..... Happened!


Sasuke said as he lost consciousness while standing with his sword. Right now the jonins and anko were all having admiration and respect in their hearts towards the kid who had just faced one of the legendary sanin and came out alive.
