
its been a week since kakashi started training team 7 properly, sasuke's control over the light and dark orbs increased a lot over the past week. Right now he has got the fundamentals of the 2 elements down.


Not only sasuke but naruto and sakura have also improved a lot. Naruto learnt serious wind styled jutsu under kakashi guidance, he even learnt the *wind cloak* from sasuke.his hand to hand combat also improved a lot along with his mastery over the shadow clone jutsu.


sakura on the other hand learnt various earth style jutsus and she also learnt how to set up various traps and it is safe to say sakura has become stronger than her canon version. sasuke right now was sitting under a waterfall he was currently meditating.


he had his eyes closed as water fell over his body, he was completely concentrating on his chakra flow he was slowly trying to draw out a small amount of orochimaru's chakra. He wanted to compare his chakra density and orochimaru's chakra density.


slowly a dark voilent chakra started flowing out of the curse mark on his neck and black engravings started to slowly cover his right arm. the forceful invasion of orochimaru's chakra made all of sasuke's chakra veins to close up causing immense pain to emerge in sasuke's body.


But sasuke didnt let the pain control him, he fought back by making even more of his chakra flow through his chakra veins and make them clear again by making the violent and dark chakra submit to his and make it own.


by the end of this process sasuke's body had released a lot of impurities which were present in his chakra veins and his chakra reserves also increased. He got up and put on his clothes back again and returned to the uchiha compound, he decided to sleep immediately because his body needed to rest.


*the next day* (sasuke pov)


I woke up and saw the time, it was 15 past 6 in the morning (6:15) I immediately jumped out of bed and started to freshen up. the chunin exams 2nd round was at 7 but i dont need to rush, it isnt that important anyway the real important thing is what are the results of yesterdays painful experience.


i closed my eyes and started to feel my chakra and i was honestly shocked by the amount, my chakra had increased by half. which is extremely good because it usually takes more than a year to do it except for naruto he just sleeps and his chakra increases.


i looked at the time and it was 7.....perfect time to leave. I started making my way to the hall where the fights are going to take place and soon i reached there.


the old hokage was giving a speech like he always does i just ignored everyone and made my way to my spot in the middle of his speech afterall it was my duty as an uchiha to disrespect the hokage but he chose to ignore it and continued his speech.


sakura - "why were you late today sasuke kun?"


naruto - "yeah yeah you were about to miss the fight"


sasuke - "i was lost on the path of life"


meanwhile kakashi felt proud for some reason.


soon after this hiruzen finished his speech and another jonin came up and started giving various instructions to us about the fights they were just basic instructions i just ignored them.


after that we went to the balcony type thingys and stood there waiting for the announcement of the first fight.


<<<*Uchiha sasuke vs yoroi*>>>


'hmm this guy I think is the guy that sucks chakra... that jutsu might prove to be useful in the future' thought sasuke as a smirk started to form on his face.


yoroi - I will remove that smirk of yours with my fist.


yoroi shouted in annoyance after looking at sasuke's smirk, sasuke didnt even look at yoroi which made him even angrier. Sasuke just smirked even more and jumped off the balcony landing at the fighting ring.


yoroi - you really piss me off.


the jonin nor sasuke paid attention to yoroi and the jonin started the countdown.


jonin - Fight!


yoroi - I heard you are really proud of being an uchiha...let me show your clans inferiority!!


yoroi shouted as he started to rush towards sasuke but sasuke still had his hands in his pocket as relaxed as one could be, it as obvious he didnt take the fight seriously.


gai - he is underestimating his opponent far too much, he might lose.


kakashi - dont worry he wont lose.


anko - you seem to have a lot of trust in him.


kakashi - of course he is my student afterall.


back to the fight yoroi started to rush towards sasuke and went in for a punch.


yoroi - taste my fist.


sasuke - you talk too much.


Sasuke without any unnecessary moves just grabbed yoroi's face and tackled him to the floor making a hole in the floor. the power from such a simple move surprised everyone present in the hall.


Asuma - with such a simple move he made a crater in the floor....


kurenai - he didnt even use his full power.


but suddenly yoroi started to suck sasuke's chakra from the hand that held his face.


gai - what is that jutsu?


kakashi - some kind of chakra absorbing jutsu?


anko - now how will you deal with this sasuke.


yoroi who was sucking sasuke's chakra could feel the amount of chakra sasuke had and immediately he started to shiver from fear. all his instincts were shouting at him to run away from this person.....not person this beast.


sasuke - hmm that's an interesting jutsu.....but you chose the wrong guy.


sasuke activated his sharingan and observed the jutsu, because of the scarlet red eyes yoroi felt fear like he has never felt before. After seeing those eyes everyone in the room got goosebumps.


The red jewel of an eye with black tomoe's was present before them in all its magesty.


Sasuke after fully observing his technique had a huge smirk on face, he stood up while picking up yoroi by his head even with the height difference between them because of sasuke's aura he looked bigger than yoroi.


his dominant aura overpowered all the other's aura and he started to release his bloodlust while staring down yoroi, his bloodlust slowly took a shape of a terrifying monster which scared all the participants of the chunin exams even gaara felt a small ting of fear.




Sasuke said as he started to get ready to throw him, "SO DIE FOR ME" shouted sasuke as he threw him with all his power.


just the wind force of the throw was enough to make cracks on the floor and yoroi flew at high speed and broke through a floor.


Sasuke took in a big breath as he readied his next attack "the dragons breath" he was truly planning on killing yoroi.


but before he could release the attack kakashi shouted "STOP SASUKE"


Sasuke who had already readied the attack couldn't stop it midway so he looked up and released his attack in the air.


the fire produced was massive to the point that almost all the room was filled by that attack but the jonins used water jutsus to prevent that from happening.


everyone was shocked by this attack