Chapter 1: The Deity of Tricks, Games and Fate.

Chapter 1: The Deity of Tricks, Games and Fate.

Ami tried not to close her eyes as her vision began to blur.

She heard a person calling the ambulance but she knew deep inside that her body has limits and so does her will power to even urge to fight death.

Nonetheless, she still tried moving to see the child she saved, eyes blinking.


She could only think about what her parents would do if they knew what happened today.

If she did die she tried imagining them crying by her side but the chances of that are impossible.

They were probably too busy to even attend the funeral of their only child.

Her grandfather however... she felt afraid to even imagine his face when he'll take the news... That her only granddaughter died.

'I'm oddly enough not caring why can I still think, even though I felt myself die in a horrible car accident... Does the road to hell usually take this long?'

She grinned at the thought of the devil greeting her casually.

She never believed such a thing as Hell or Heaven but now that she's in her last moments she couldn't help but wonder where she will end up?



She irked when darkness consumed her and she casually felt something moving- it was her own soul it moved higher and higher until it reached the sky.

She felt her back laid flatly on something soft and fluffy. She was about to open her eyes when she heard someone- and something dropping on the floor.



"Whoops- didn't know you we're awake human.''

As the water got into Ami's nose, she couldn't help but be raged at what this stranger had done to her hair.

"Cough! Cough! Ungh!" she tools several deep breaths some of the water clogging her nose-

But how could it be possible that she feels ever so alive?!

It took her hours to perfect that angle only to be ruined but she didn't speak and just glared at the…

Person floating?

"Greetings mortal how are you? Oh but I know you already know you'll feel nothing because you're nothing more but a fragment of your soul~" His voice was so sweet, like nectar trapping bees into wanting to play games with him.

"So let's play a game."

The floating deity had the figure of a built man, he asked to play with Makoto Ami with a game, and even summoning cards out of thin air to show to the girl his lovely tricks. "Impressed, are you mortal?"

His cards floated around her, it all seemed like a silly little trick with no strings attached that it surprised the girl of such a thing, the being before her was certainly… not human.

Ami's eyes would then see all the cards were numbers and symbols- The deity grins swiping his fingers on one of the cards until-



A card abruptly stops to slide near her face.

The unknown figure carefreely floats by her side, tapping her shoulders seeing that the little human was not doing anything. "Go ahead, don't be shy, read it for me."

"The Ice Empress." (Ami) read the symbol, the drawing of the card she squinted her eyes seeing that it was a woman sitting on a throne with her crown dressed in a blue dress.

"Yes~ The Empress. Isn't it interesting? If you'd like… I also have this." (???) swipes his fingers once more and chooses another card for Ami to take a look.

He was ecstatic for her to choose, the unknown being loved games, ones that involve other people's lives. Her last life was utterly boring, the torture wasn't that harsh- he has seen other humans suffer at the hands of their parents.

So she's not all broken but that could be fixed.

"The Demon Lord." She read the card seeing a demon with cat ears looking so solemn, in pain, with a five clover by the hand and soon another card came.

Though the floating had to shuffle them really fast, closing his eyes before randomly swiping one of the cards for Ami to read. "How about this one! This story is rather intriguing!"

Ami stares at the new card she's just received.

"The Cursed… Villainess?"

Gold… The woman in the card was being showered with gold, while a knife was being pointed at her throat.

It seems to be a person who was cursed to be fortunate with wealth but… it seems there's a shadow trying to grab her by the neck that was inside a mirror.

She was really confused, what was the point this man was making her do by reading all of these cards that seemed to do nothing other than float?

Finally she had the courage to ask, "Who are you?"

The moment she asked another question popped into her mind, eyes trailing down and then up to his floating figure. "What are you?"

The deity was overjoyed, pleased to even hear the mortal wanting to know who he is-! Not well known in the world of gods and goddesses, he was always forgotten.

"My name is Gamoloa! The Deity of Tricks, Games and Fate." He introduces himself bowing slightly, looking at the human with great interest.

"You are one of the lucky humans that I took interest in, and I want to have your life… like a little game to play."

The smile that he gave the girl looked innocent, but deeply it wasn't. Living on for thousands of years he grew bored of ruling the world, keeping the rules and balancing what is left.

What if he picks a human in favor?

And see what's their life in a few- to place bets and laugh with his other deities one would consider as a friend.

"My life… a game?"

Ami felt something was wrong. Her heart was hurt, how could he treat her life like some fun game someone can laugh about?

She pushed herself days on end… to study like nothing else existed.

She couldn't make friends.

Ami couldn't even feel safe in her own home, her own house where the ones who gave birth to her made sure to make the girl's life a living hell.

Yelling, the constant hitting- the words they told her that she should've died.

"If only abortion was legal, I would've done it in a heartbeat. You. Ruined. My. Life."

That… was her mother's words that she could never forget, it wounds- it made her feel like puking actually wanting to suicide. A reminder that she will be nothing more as a child that ruined someone's life, several even.

Ami didn't like the words that came from the man, she covered her mouth feeling dizzy and told him. "I… don't like games." She stares at the floating man coldy and continues her words.

"And my life is not a game nor is anyone else's."

The floating man adjusts his position, sitting in an Indian seat, putting a hand under his chin humming in deep thought. "I didn't ask if you wanted to play now did I?"

"I Said. Let's. Play. A. Game."

"The life you had before, it was my little pastime… I wasn't expecting for you to end my fun when you decided to spoil your life to save another-" He stopped seeing the human girl, looking so angry, she was clenching her fists gritting her teeth- eyes in pure rage in anger.

"You… You made- I- What- Did you make my life a living hell to just- have some fun?!" (Ami) was not enjoying to know the truth, the religion she was through was that gods were supposed to be loving saviors of humanity.

A lie.

A hoax.

"Did. You. Have. Fun. Making my parents torture me, tell me hurtful things, separate me from the only family I've ever known that was in the hospital while you watched it all go down to the point- I almost-"

To the point where she almost killed herself.

The god was smiling so deeply, he wasn't expecting for a measly human to understand how a god would think!

"Yes, yes I did."


With no more words needed she lunged at the being, trying to grab him down to hit him- slap him- kick him! Anything that would make her feel better about taking her life away.

"Oh you know what was the fun part about your life? Your grandpa, getting sick on your birthday…" He floats up high in the air to where Ami couldn't reach. Humans have such little tempers for hearing such wonderful news, how can't they just be calm and sit down.

"That was my present, did you like it?" (Gamoloa) grins, enjoying the view. To see where the humans stood, below him where they always should be.

This… shitty little god, gave my grandpa cancer?!

For a present?!

"I'm going to kill you! Do you hear me?! I'm going to kill you- you little piece of-" (Ami) was red in rage, it was the first time she had gotten this mad. All of her pent up feelings being released, she couldn't take it anymore.

Gamoloa, The Deity of Tricks, Games and Fate yawns feeling bored of her little yapping.

Psh! Kill a god with what?

With the floating cards he took and shuffled, seeing what life would be a perfect fit for the mortal being.


The card stopped and came into the life of an Ice Empress. He claps his hands feeling the adrenaline taking over his body, feeling excited to see the next adventure's of this soul.

And what kind of things he can do to torture the little mortal for the next decades on end. "The only way you'll be able to kill a god, is to become a god yourself. Though that would require a lot of souls and sacrifice that even you won't do. I barely did it, anyways~ your new life is set little one."

"And… bye bye!"

"Do you hear me- I'll get my revenge and I'll kill you bastard-!" The girl wasn't given a chance to finish her words.

By then she was gone like smoke, the god yawns feeling tired. The new life he has given the mortal girl would take a while to be fruitful of adventures, dangers in the end.

A nap for a few years would be proper.

Let's visit once more when she turns a bit much older.