Chapter 5: Royal Library (I).

Chapter 5: Royal Library (I).

Elizabeth's POV

Click… Clack… Click… Clack.

The sound of my heels echoed through the halls getting irritated at over twenty guards following me. The sound of armor clanking was deafening, Victoria was by my side as we walked.

I told her that I wanted to find the royal library, to finally read and widen my sense of knowledge upon the world and kingdom I've been generously… blessed by that bastard of a God whom I have sworn to kill.

Even though I've been living here for seven years I can't help but be amazed at how medieval-looking this is but it was a mix of technology.


I looked up at the ceiling seeing the bulbs having yellow flashing gemstones inside.

The castle's light has been powered by magic, relying on magic stones and being connected by mana transferring wire or mana circuit. There have been tales of the power source being hidden beneath the castle basement, but that was just a rumor.

Victoria told me that just before I was born, the empress decided to make some modifications around the castle that were greatly appreciated by everyone. The inventions she's made are astounding!

No wonder she was loved.

They had no fear anymore, no worries any longer hiding in the dark- with just the push of a button the whole room would emit light providing comfort and convenience.

I wasn't expecting the study and way of engineering inside the castle where everything seemed to be so traditional.

If I'm going to live in this world I need to research more about the history, culture, and magic of this world.

"That God may plot something for me to die early so I must be prepared. May it be in health, accident, or attempted murder by himself."


"Your highness, we have arrived at the royal library. How many guards would you like inside to accompany you and outside?" One of the guard captains asked me and I felt one of my eyes twitching.

I'm old enough to walk by myself but must it be required for guards or knights to accompany me?! I already have Victoria who's a trained maid in case of danger but...

"Your highness we have a section of men at your service. Having twenty members by your side and will be there to protect you under the name of our emperor."

They all lined up in a single row, saluted, and put their fist into their chest yelling their pledged loyalty, "We are at your disposal, your highness!"

They all lowered their heads down before me. I don't know what to feel about twenty people telling me that their lives are at my disposal…

I'm… just a kid.

I sighed, shaking my head. "I believe there is no need for that. Please, I would only need Victoria for she is more capable than protecting me."

I could see Victoria hide a little smirk of amusement on her face as if she was observing my every move and word. She seems to be happy and takes it as a compliment so I'm fine with it.

"The council has ordered this of your highness so we cannot oblige to your request. I'm sorry but we'll be watching over you from now on, of course, you are still a child your highness so please leave this to us." (Guard Captain) salutes, forming all the men to line up and telling them where they should position.

"Well, this is just great..."

All this princess business seems to be too good to be true and my current age is not helping me right now.

Ever since that stinky God of trickery put me here it's been nothing but sheer boredom, rules following and they expect me to be all the worthwhile future empress.

I wonder if there are also reincarnated people like me here?

I've read articles that other kingdoms had summonings of other human beings to become heroes and destroy all the evil incarnations that there are.

However, there wasn't much information on the topic, besides the council that's been 'taking care' of me. Won't allow me to go outside so I can't form any kind of contact with them.

And the last known article that was written of summoned heroes was over… eight years ago in this world.

"I need a break..." I urged Victoria beside me to follow along and just ignored the knights or guards in tow.

I may hate Victoria's lesson but not her entirely.

I trust her more than anyone in this place so at least that puts my heart at ease…

Victoria just... creeps me out at times whenever she suddenly has random nosebleeds. Her eyes gleam with something I can't describe but there's no bad intent coming out from her so she's not that horrible to be with.

"Where will we be going, your highness?" The captain of the guards asked, following along the noise of their armor is not suitable for reading.

"It's not we, captain. It's only going to be me and my maid. Please keep your noses out of my business! Hmph." I said bluntly, trying to look fierce as I could.



I can hear them coddling, and calling me adorable.

"Your highness is truly like her mother when she's angry, right?"

Oh! What the hell?!

Do these people perceive me as adorable because of how I look? I look fierce! They should fear me! Tremble!

But they didn't stop. The coddling continued and my patience was running out.



I turned around, crossed my arms, and pointed at them. "Listen here! This is my private time with myself. Leave me alone and you guys stay put outside. I will merely take my time to read and widen my horizons. I want to help the kingdom grow! So don't get in my way."

They were all stunned by my words, all of them had delightful expressions on their faces. Victoria was the same.

"But your highness- we will worry because no one is in there with you!" (Guard)

"Silence all of you!" I grabbed the handle of the door, opened the royal library, dragged Victoria with me, grabbed her by the hand, and pulled her over to the other side, turning to the guards. "You guys stay there and guard! Don't make fun of me!"

"But we weren't-"


"Hah… Hah… Lock the door." I told Victoria because I can't reach the lock part of it being slightly higher for my short arms to reach.

"That will be no need, your highness. I believe our protectors have gotten your message. They will stand guard outside just as you requested."

I huffed my chest not wanting to go outside, I focused on the task at hand seeing the library filled with books and the smell of old paper taking over my senses.

"So… This is the royal library?" I took the scene in, thousands of books, paper inside containing so much knowledge and information I'll need bound by leather.

Now, this is my place to be where I will be expecting no noise and just pure... silence.

"Whoah! Look at all of these books! Victoria look! There are books about herbs, dragon kind, and even magicology!" I ran into the nearest shelf and it was wonderful!

The library immediately bewildered my mind! This place is simply incredible! Shelves so high I'm regretting that I'm this small.

It will take me a few months to read this whole library!

I hear Victoria look over to me with admiring eyes and begin slow clapping with fake tears in her eyes, "That was a superb speech, your highness! Where did you learn all that?"

"I'm rather glad you're taking your position as the future empress so seriously, I wasn't aware that you were paying attention to any of our lessons."


"You must've realized the condition of the current kingdom and you want to change it, yes? Although we haven't reached up to that point…" (Victoria)

"Oh umm...I learned it from books! And… the servant's gossip." I suppose having some memories helps...

As if I can say that to her, books and gossip are the only logical thing right now to answer my questions.

I can ask her some things I can't understand after.

Besides, I wasn't lying. Books are thick of knowledge and they help you learn things you don't know.

But no matter what!

Today I will research more about this world! For me to do that I need books and peace.