Chapter 10: The servants inside the castle (III).

Chapter 10: The servants inside the castle (III).

Elizabeth's POV

Lunchtime has come, and every guard that was guarding me spent their time escorting and telling me their stories of how they lived their life in the countryside before they got into the main city of the kingdom.

Under Victoria's supervision, they all made sure to keep up their formalities with me.

One guard laughed as we headed towards the dining hall telling me about his family in the little village of Holskën. Just right up the north part of the kingdom and one that thrives over poultry when the season of winter would be over.

"Your highness, in my area you see my family had this little hen farm where we had problems because they wouldn't lay any eggs in winter." The guard tells me about their product of poultry to which I was a little bit familiar with.

"That's a problem- isn't it? The chickens would need a source of warmth to survive."

"Yes, but our village has found a way to heat stone with our magic occasionally at the right temperature for them to be of comfort- As for their unfertilized eggs we pickle them or use the water glassing method so that they might have a longer shelf life!" He happily tells me explaining the process of how they would pickle their eggs.

For picking the eggs for more flavor he needed a long recipe, preparation, and time for them to be ready to put them in a clean jar. Eggs that are preserved with the water glassing method can last up to a year or more. The water glassing method seals the eggshell, keeping them fresh just like eggs just laid.

"It helped my village a ton, having something to eat. Saved a lot of people too to get through the winter the only problem I had growing up was well... the number of hens for breeding were a bit low, the poultry farm are not in great shape, and the stone magic for heating doesn't always work and- well I would hope her highness will make good use of my story." I could hear the happy tone of his voice as the guard told me his story and I appreciated his story taking note of what to be fixed.

"Thank you, I'll see to it if there's something we could do with it."

The next guard pats his friend's back getting next to tell his childhood.

"In my village, your highness, there were a lot of pigs and we used their animal fats in bread pastries, to fry potatoes and everything that needed fat." The guard would roll up his sleeve and show many of the burn marks that were on his wrist looking quite ancient. A mark so huge that it almost burned the skin, from the looks of it it must've been painful.

"Frying out lard is not fun as you can see. A layer of grease covers every surface in the kitchen. It's not fun to clean." He chuckles, pulling back his sleeves again. "I watched my mom and grandmother work hours over hot pans of boiling fat. Of course... I was the rebellious one and watched either way, I burnt myself over some spilled oil by accident."

"There wasn't... any place where I could get treated other than the local magician that needed payment before I was saved. Many children whose families are not financially well have gotten sick, it pains me that they have nothing agricultural related but this was one of my concerns, health is also important." He smiles sadly, the way he told his tale to me was almost like a plea that I'll find a way to change this.

I look up at the guard not knowing they didn't have something like a hospital near here.

Magic is great for healing but the kingdom might also take interest in medicine.

"I will invest my time to see if we could build a place for everyone to get treated at a fair or equal price. Perhaps even free of charge if they are unable to but that will be set in the near future, please rest your heart I will do my best." I told the guard and I could hear him sighing a breath of relief.

"Thank you! Your Highness!" He almost kneels before me but Victoria made sure to hold his shoulder seeing that we were still on the way to the dining hall.

"Behave now. Don't forget you're still on duty." (Victoria) straightens her posture looking over to me with a wink, saving me from what could've been an embarrassing scene.

"Apologies, your highness!" He apologizes quickly but a shocked noise escapes from his mouth suddenly looking happy recalling something. "Ah! I've just remembered! We make jams too if you're interested!"


The ones made from a mixture of fruits are usually called conserves. Preserves are made of small, whole fruits or uniform-size pieces of fruits in a clear, thick, slightly jellied syrup.

Those jams!

Right for a winter country, they would have something like that too! I want to know what kind of fruits turn into jam and I wonder if I can use that to make other earth recipes- do they have blueberries here or strawberries for me to bake with?

"I would love to hear how the people of your village make jam." I couldn't hide the excitement in my voice, I was really eager to know where they harvest their fruits, market them, what kind of jars they use, and what they add to make their shelf life longer that will last throughout winter.

All of us talked and I managed to gather information from their experiences, the problems they had, and the fun they wanted to show me someday if I ever visited one of their villages they would be happy to escort me wherever I wanted.

"There are many horses in my village! It's the city of horses, your highness! We have legends of the mystical creatures called unicorns who lived and thrived behind the tall icy mountains! If you want to visit Equusó please just tell me!"

Do unicorns exist here?!

I suppose it's a magical world but I would've never guessed. These were animals that had a horn over the head containing magical powers- but I wonder if it's the same kind of unicorn here. They could possess or be something entirely in this world.

"Why not visit mine first, your highness? My village is the most fun out of all of them- you can fish out of our many fishing holes and we have live theater showing great stories from talented scriptwriters from all over!"

The plays of theater.

A replacement for my entertainment seeing that I won't have any videos to watch or connection to any internet any time soon.

I can imagine myself watching over a play- but for the fishing hole. I... actually want to try fishing at least once, with Victoria by my side. I think I'll be alright if I ever catch something I can't handle pulling its weight.

"No, no, no! You guys show her highness some class! My village has the finest grape farms and a historic winery that's still standing today even after fifty years!"

Oh, wine- but I'm underage.

"Well, my village is clearly superior-"

Well... that happened.

They all ended up fighting over which village was the best for me to visit first if that ever happened because I wanted to consult research face-to-face someday if the court would ever permit me to go outside.

The guards that were guarding me- we... somehow formed a new kind of friendship just by asking what kind of childhood they had from separate villages. I could feel Victoria's gaze on me as the guards told me more about their lives.

It stopped when we got into the dining hall and the maids presented me with my lunch. I thanked her and she nodded happily before going back on her way into the kitchen. I held my knife and fork analyzing what kind of food I'd been served today.

The main course and dessert, looking over the meat at my plate... it was roasted chicken.

It reminded me of the story they've told.

And... this dessert... had jam inside.

I raised my knife cutting into the tender meat of the chicken. It seems that the chef has taken into consideration making better food, this is certainly better than last time.

I smiled, my heart feeling full.


I finished up my studies in the library making some occasional blueprints of some plans I want to happen when I will be deemed future empress.

The guards waited outside but it was time for bed, they no longer looked afraid or hesitant keeping up formalities with me.

"Goodnight, your highness. May you have a good rest. Comrades! Salute to our princess!" The clanking of their metal armor could be heard as they all saluted goodbye when we arrived at my room.

Victoria helps me into my nightgown and giggles looking over my happy expression in the mirror, as she takes a brush by the side before brushing my hair. "Did you have fun doing your research today, your highness?"

I nod.

"There really are things a book can't teach you. I like knowing how different people have different problems because they came from different places..." I look down at my nightgown before feeling comfortable enough to trust Victoria to place my head by her stomach.

"Can I ask questions about your life too? What village did you come from Victoria and what kind of foods did you eat?" I asked her and she chuckled, patting my head.

"Of course, but bedtime first." (Victoria) leads me to bed as I yawn, feeling tired from all the socializing I've been doing today.

"Nnghhh... yawn..." I could feel her hands by my hair gently caressing it before tucking me into my fluffy white blanket. My eyes were trying to fight on staying awake but soon I succumbed to tiredness and feeling drained.

The only thing I heard before going to sleep was Victoria's mutter.

"Goodnight, my princess. I'm glad you had fun today."