Chapter 15: The Blue dress stained in Red (II).

Chapter 15: The Blue dress stained in Red (II).

Elizabeth's POV

After the coachman's humiliation of Victoria, he had no excuses and moved his figure into a corner. I smiled proudly at my maid backing me up, I felt this unknown pride and joy just standing by Victoria's side.

Is this an effect she has on people?


The two horses that were in tow of my Uncle Damien's carriage were removed, I felt pity for their state and the guards made sure to find the stable boy ordering them to take care of them well.

Tobias, the one guard who would always chat me up about unicorns came over looking so happy as he fastens the horse harness before patting the dark brooding breed of Oradion horses, one of the strongest, most durable, and fastest horses one could have.

"Looks like we're ready to go, your highness." (Tobias) tells me and I nod.

The coachman could only watch nervously while my guards proceeded to make haste with preparations. No matter, if he would please me to not change the horses, I would not budge.

Does he expect me to take the slow horses knowing I have the resources at hand just because my Uncle has 'considerately' provided a ride for me?

"A-Are you sure this is err... alright with you, your highness? For you to use your best horses on this one's simple carriage..." He looks down at the ground and I smile, shaking my hands and making my way inside the carriage.

Victoria held out her hand for me to hold in support, and I gave her a nod of thanks looking back at the coachman who took off his top hat placing it on his chest.

"It's alright, for I am merely lending my horses to you until we've returned to the palace. Treat them well." I tell him, his line of sight with me was not a good one. My eyes were glaring, staring at him as if a needle was about to pierce his heart.


The door was shut, and Victoria sat in front of me grinning so widely.

My heart had to calm down from all that adrenaline rush, I don't think I've ever threatened someone as harshly as this before.

Victoria holds out her hands for me to hold and I take them. "You protected yourself well, and those horses your highness. You make use of the title when it's needed. It seems you were serious with your words from just a few hours ago."

"Should I be worried that I'll be visiting my other home so soon?" she jokes.

I chuckled, laughing slightly, feeling relaxed.

"Yeah you should pack your bags, once I can fight with my own two hands you'll have so many vacation days you'll come back to me with many souvenirs," I told her and I decided I didn't want to sit across from her today.

While the carriage moved towards the outside of the castle ground, the guards walked on foot or had a horse accompany us on our journey to the Dukedom of Erhenzig.

"Souvenirs? Perhaps I should bring you a whole mountain of them. Anything for her highness." (Victoria) tells me and that assures my feelings that she would not leave me even if I can fly out of my nest. I still wanted her close.

I closed the curtains so no one could see. I turned my head toward the front of the coachman if there were any secret windows for him to peek but there were none.

"Humph!" I leaped out of my seat, my blue dress floating slightly as my bottom met the leather seat of the carriage. "I don't want to sit there, it's not warm. I like it where you are."

"..." (Victoria) stood still as I pulled over her arm, holding it and leaning my head to rest.


I feel unsure what this feeling was but I'm aware.

She was fulfilling the empty feeling I've had for years, from my past life I've... never had someone to see as a mother figure. My mother from my past life would ignore me and I was left to be given to the father as a form of stress relief to beat up his daughter.

I couldn't help but feel clingy to the only person who saw me like I was her daughter, the only person who made me feel safe other than my grandfather...

"Is it okay if we sit together, Victoria? I don't like the cold." I tell her burying my head slowly into her arm looking a little embarrassed that I asked for such a request like that.

I prefer summer... over winter.

I could feel Victoria's other arm move and now it was on top of my head keeping it safe from the bumpy road ahead of us. "Of course, your highness. If you need to lay your head and rest on my shoulders, go ahead."

"Hmm... you're doing something wrong." I groan a little leaning up to her face and giving a pout.

"..." (Victoria) looked down at me in confusion but soon once she looked around the carriage she realized what she did wrong. We were alone and she called me 'your highness'.

"Princess Elizabeth, if you need to sleep just do so I will wake you up when we are near the Duke's estate." (Victoria) smiles patting my head once more, and like a cat I selfishly grabbed her arm nuzzling it.

I... feel so sleepy indeed. My body slowly let go of itself, wanting to nuzzle and cling to Victoria's arm.

"It's going to be a long ride." (Victoria) pats me gently and repeatedly until I fall asleep.

I wanted to dream… but all I could see was a figure of my old past looking so sad as she looked at me in a mirror, but instead of the figure of my old life I… had the form of what I am now.

My old past waves her hand as if saying hello, but I couldn't do the same... I couldn't wave back.

It feels as though I was stuck in this one spot forever, and she was the only one who could move.

"Are you having fun?"

Am I having fun? For the past years of living here, I found something caring for so I was… having fun.

"Of course… I am."

My old self nods, before frowning.

"Wake up if you don't want to die then. The fun would be over if you die, so make sure you don't. It would upset me if you pass away so fast into our game."

My old body stared at me grinning and holding out a dice for me to receive... the moment I saw those dice... I realized this wasn't me.

What… in the-

Slowly the dream was gone, I could hear footsteps, breathing, and shouting.


Clash! Clash!

Is that the sound of metal...?

Sniff... sniff...

The scent of iron... no... it's nothing like iron something but similar to it. That dream… my old self didn't seem like me.

"Princess Elizabeth!"


"Wake up, your highness! Keep your head down!"

Victoria...? Am I still dreaming?


I could feel my body awakening in panic and fear. Victoria was holding my shoulders protectively using her own body to keep me safe as I could see a sword on top of where our heads were.

We were on the floor of the carriage, I didn't realize this was now our position.

"V-Victoria! There's a sword sticking through the carriage-" I yell at her in a panic seeing that the closed curtains had shadows dancing outside, swords classing and yelling.

"Protect the princess!" I could hear Tobias' voice ringing through my ears.

"Assassins! Kill them, get the girl's head! The package came early!"

What in the world had happened when I was asleep?! The carriage's materials were horrible!

And hold on- package?!

I wanted to look outside but with Victoria holding my body down I couldn't move. "Your highness, please stay still. If they see you it'll be all over, I need to be with you to protect you."

"But Victoria what about the guards?!" I tell her feeling worried for the guards that would keep watch in turns doing their job of protecting me, those who I befriended and helped me with my agricultural research-

"They are knights! Do not underestimate their skills, your highness. You will be safe!" she tells me and I was shaking.

My hands were shaking, and my legs and I couldn't move.

"W-We've been ambushed." I managed to mutter out with my voice shrinking. Victoria notices that my expression was of panic and I could feel her hands holding down my cheek, brushing away the single tear drop running through it.

"Do not cry, I'm here to protect you." (Victoria) whispers to me, my heart tries its best to not panic with her words of assurance.

"M-Mm..." I nodded biting my lip and covering my face with my hands not wanting Victoria to see me crying.

"Good girl, Princess Elizabeth." (Victoria) pats my head as she looks towards the curtains, the battle cry of my guards was loud- it seems that they were winning but I couldn't help but pray that they will all be uninjured.

"Hyah! Move! Step away from the carriage!" I could hear one of them yelling when a shadowed figure kicked over the carriage door.


The door went over our heads but thankfully Victoria manages to block it with her arm, not allowing us to get squished by the door. The dust got a bit on my eye but I was fine.

"Grrr...!" (Victoria) grits her teeth glaring at the hooded figure with a blade in his hands.

"I was told... you would be here a bit later, you caught us unprepared but we couldn't just pass this opportunity by. The future empress is inside this carriage after all."


"!!!" (Victoria)

The hooded figure kept his feet up before slamming down on the cheap wooden carriage door breaking it, and stomping down on Victoria's hand. My eyes widened in surprise, I couldn't help but get angry seeing her get hurt.

"Grrr...!" I growled towards the hooded figure but the door as keeping us apart from letting me tear down his face.

"Our package is here, boys!" He yells over the other assassins who cheer knowing that I was inside. "The princess of the land of snow would fetch a handsome price to some contractors and might even get a bonus on who it is this time."

"Mercenaries, ugh... you people never learn." (Victoria) mutters with a sharp glare in her eyes but she was smiling. "Makes it all the better to teach you a lesson about underestimating a maid with the duty of protecting the princess."