Chapter 38: Hail The Crown Princess Elizabeth (II).

Chapter 38: Hail The Crown Princess Elizabeth (II).

We were in my room, I took a bath on my own inside my bathroom relaxing and washing all the sweat off of my body.

I keep thinking about this day, every birthday ball I have hosted- only to lead for my coronation and becoming the crown princess would set my path for life.


I let my head sink into the warm water, feeling my long silver hair go up to the surface. I wondered if I died early, would I think of revenge? All these years I have never forgotten about my purpose but-

How could I- become a god?

To equal the power of my enemy.

I lingered no more on the warm water of my private pool, I stood up only covered by a wet towel and met with Victoria as she helped me dry my hair.

I wore my undergarments, corset then down to my dress.

"I just hate it when Councilor Nikolai looks down on us and when he sees you late he'll definitely use that as a nice insult for punctuality to you, Princess Elizabeth." (Victoria) said with the most hateful and stern look she has ever had while helping me get ready.

"Tell me about it."

Councilor Nikolai was one of the five councilors that are currently handling the kingdom.

For all, I know he hated me and Victoria for personal reasons that I don't know. I still remember him giving me a glare the first time I stepped foot in the council room.

"Now, now. Victoria. Perhaps you should take a breather. It's way too early for that and besides, I'll just insult him right back." I tell her, shoulders shrugging. I lazily looked onto the mirror, my hair being braided into a long French style. "I'm turning into a crown princess, you should smile and celebrate this small achievement with me."

Victoria softens hearing my words, I could feel her hands getting relaxed and I smile. "I'm sorry Princess Elizabeth. I just don't like it when people insult you behind your back. Even the other servants are now gossiping about it."

"The fact that I'm a [Morama]?" I tell her chuckling, already accepting my fate.

"Well that is widely known throughout the castle- but I don't believe it. I had a dream last night that today is the day you will awaken your magic."

Dreaming of me having magic, what a miracle.

Well… at least I've gotten used to being the center of attention when it came to gossip amongst royalties.

Scandals and gossip everywhere, though I'm not sure if the common folk has known of my disability to use magic currently being at the expiration date of my age. "Don't worry about them. They're not worth wasting your precious time to be with me by my side at the coronation later."

She sighs and gives in.

Victoria continues to braid my hair carefully as her body relaxes in place. "The kingdom is changing. Emperor Alastor... I will worry that the council will turn against each other and finally... start coming after you. Especially the Duke of Erhenzig."

I would like to say bring it on.

I've been studying for the whole seven years of my life in the library, with my tutors provided by my uncle- though some of them died due to assassination.

May their souls rest in peace knowing I'm being crowned.

"I will not bother to worry much, but instead prepare calmly. You taught me this, you know, I'm still learning." I turned around and held her hand. "I know things are going to be rough from now on but... I'll become the empress of this country and have the others see me with respect. I do not plan to die early before or after my crowning as crown princess."

Victoria gives me a small smile of relief, "Do you still want me to pat your head like always, princess?"


"Please... This might be the last carry I can give you since you're a big girl now." (Victoria) pleaded and I thought about it. I did receive head patting before and I don't want it to go away because it was one of the only ways I destress myself.


"Please?" (Victoria) pleads to me with puppy eyes.


"Come on, I have the kitchen made brownies again, your gluttoness." (Victoria) teases me and blackmails me with my favorite dessert. I couldn't help but grin and grab her hand placing it on my head.

You sneaky little...

I sighed and put on an act but my voice sounds monotone. "Oh,no it appears my hand has slipped and I want to stay in this position for one more minute whatever shall I do?"

She giggled softly, my mom pats my head and I enjoyed it. "As always your babyness."

"H-Hey name calling! that's not called for!"

Crossing my arms I refuse to obey this woman but she holds my dessert as a hostage. She'll make me eat healthy vegetables and I don't want that.

I think that the threat of eating vegetables never stopped even when I'm at this age. "I hate you, Victoria."

"I love you too, your highness." (Victoria)

"I wanna fire you for calling me 'your highness' again."

"We all know you won't do that. Now let's head on to breakfast before your big coronation day. You can't make a big speech on an empty stomach." She gave a pretty good argument and I gave up.

Hmph. I hate it when she's right.

But anyway breakfast is more important than me getting mad over it.

"Let's go then."

As we arrived at the dining table I was sitting in my seat as the food was already displaced at the table.

Victoria stood next to me even and I could see that there were a few servants stationed all over the hall. I wanted to have some alone time with my guardian before coronation. "All of you except Victoria, please go out."

The servants said nothing more and followed my orders, lowering their head before leaving in a single line.

"Yes? Princess Elizabeth?" (Victoria)

I grabbed my knife and fork as I proceeded to cut out a part of the steak for her. "E-Eat with me there's no one else right here." I shyly muttered to her while pushing the plate to her sight.

She didn't refuse my plea because there was no one else right now.

"Alright but only because it's your coronation day today." I claimed that confirmation as victory and helped myself with my portion of the food. "Mnn~... The chef is amazing as always."

It was my recipe though.

I dropped the topic off and tried finishing breakfast with Victoria. I was too excited for dessert though as I smelled the sweet mouth savoring the aroma of cooked brownies placed by a butler in front of me.

"Finally, my favorite dessert."

This is just too good as the brownies melt into my mouth like snowflakes! I held my cheek because it was just too addictive.

"Your highness, nice to see you enjoying your meal."


I turn around to see two of my acquaintances holding a few documents. "Scholar Misha and Sir Tobias?" I ask of them not minding that my mouth was still full.

Scholar Misha was my magic instructor, he taught me the concept of magic and he's still bearing that duty.

"Congratulations on your coronation, we'll be watching in a bit after I get these documents sorted out." He gave me a bright smile, a young spirited man who was tasked to teach me.

We got off on the wrong foot a bit but slowly I gained his respect by listening and taking good notes at his teaching, "I thought no one would be in here at this hour- apologies to your highness and to you Miss Crumwell."

He held the stacks of papers in hand trying to lower his head. He has earned my respect as well for treating Victoria like she wasn't some common peasant.

Sir Tobias stops him quickly before the papers fell onto my head, "You idiot if you lower your head now you could drop your research on her highness' head."

"A-Ah!" (Scholar Misha) straightened his back with a sigh of relief. "I do hope you don't mind us disturbing your meal- the dining room has an easier path to take back to my study."

"This is why I told you we take the long route-" (Sir Tobias) complains and Scholar Misha laughed nervously looking guilty. "But the short route is also fine! Ugh! Don't make that face!"

Munch… munch…

I held the brownie in hand as I watched the two talk to one another.

I don't know when these two got close but one day they were just talking like old friends- and sometimes bickered like an old married couple. It fascinated me, while I thought they would seem like very good friends- something kept whispering to me that one of them had feelings for the other.

"It's alright both of you, I enjoy the added company of my trusted comrades. Would you like a piece of brownie?" I offered them the tray, while munching one on my own.

"Well don't mind if I do-" (Scholar Misha)

Although Scholar Misha was going to reach for a piece, Sir Tobias immediately stops him. "Remember you're still holding your research papers! Be careful!" (Sir Tobias)

"Don't you underestimate me-" (Scholar Misha) reached for it again but failed because he couldn't carry his documents with one hand. He sighs gloomily looking at his arms with no muscle, all bones. "Aw… my weak noodle nerd arms."

"Munch… munch…" I was still holding up the tray, seeing Sir Tobias moving who can carry his portion with one hand excuses himself while taking a piece of the brownie treat and offering it to Scholar Misha's mouth.




Is it just me but are roses suddenly appearing around those two?

This whole thing seemed intimate and I felt like I shouldn't be watching any of these- respectfully- not going to lie Victoria looked angry and hit Sir Tobias on his head.


"Ow! Ow! Ow! Former general- did I do something wrong?!" He asks, trying his best to take the pain from that smack. Victoria covers my ears but I could hear everything they were talking about.

"Listen here, pretty boy. It's best if you stop flirting right in front of the princess- Do you hear me? The noise keeps me up at night you mongrel. You should deserve more bones to be broken." (Victoria) threatened them and they grew fearful of my mama bear.

"E-Eh were we that loud?" (Scholar Misha) looked at me guiltily as he whispered those words, I tilt my head innocently and I confirmed these two might be fucking.

Hmm... Should I intervene?

Nah they'll be fine.

I reached for another piece of brownie and started munching on it without much care, wondering if the other noble guests had already arrived at the royal hall.

"Did you at least like the brownie, Scholar Misha?" I ask him, Victoria feeling that it was safe- removes her hand on my ear and my tutor laughs nervously looking at his partner.

"Very delicious, thank you for your generosity, your highness." (Scholar Misha) replied as he watched Sir Tobias holding the part where Victoria smacked the hell out of him.

"That really hurt!" He grits his teeth, it seems that when Victoria was getting into physical exercises while teaching me it gave her a strength boost, her body has gotten built over the years.

"That ought to remind you of what to do the next time you two think of doing it. Misha you're lucky I grew fond of you over the years so you're not going to get what he got." (Victoria) crosses her arms, giving a raised eyebrow.

"Ah… thank you, Miss Crumwell."


I ate with a smile, seeing these two together happily filled me with hope.

"I'm glad the two of you are happy." I told them as I finished my dessert, they each gave a worried look before smiling and excusing themselves- documents in hand.

When we arrived in the room there were already a lot of people there. At this time there's not much snow outside which is the perfect day for coronation. There was a balcony where after the coronation I will stand for all the citizens to see the crown on top of my head.

As recognition of the crown princess in the public.

I asked Victoria if she could get me a glass of water and she went off to.

I stood close to the balcony just seeing the crowds of people as I took a small peak... all around. It actually made me shocked that there are that many people in the city.

"Fascinating isn't it, niece?"

I turned around. Realizing it was my uncle as he stood close to my side.

My snake of an Uncle.

I have had a few assassinations attempts that all came from him, the most memorable one would be the time he gave me a carriage made out of shimmy wood.

Since all his plans to kill me or hurt me have failed, hiring incompetent people- I decided to let him go even after all these years he sucked at finding the right people.

"Duke Damien. How lovely of you to join me." I smiled coldly at him offering curtsy and the sweetest smile that's sweet as honey this future crown princess can offer.

He's somehow the most annoying family member I could think of.

Dark hair with a few lines of silver on his head looking almost exactly like my father, eyes colored silver mixed with blue.

I didn't get these traits because I was the exact replica of my own mother that had white hair and silver eyes.

"Well mannered as always, Princess Elizabeth." (Duke Damien) said as he bowed to me, while he lowered his head he made sure to never break contact with my eyes.

"I hope you're enjoying your time as you'll be crowned and recognized as the future heir of the kingdom. It is truly a shame what happened to the former empress. I'm sure he would've liked to have witnessed this moment." He said smiling coyly beating around the bush as he continued to admire the view of the kingdom.

"Indeed... Is Melrose and her brother near?" I asked him, I have missed my cousin dearly. My partner in crime when it comes to sneaking somewhere fun and freeing, I may have given her the idealistic concept of freedom as she often told me how she'll marry someone for love- even if they were a commoner.

Wanting to escape the game of nobility we play.

"They are somewhere over the crowds. Perhaps just fiddling with other youngsters such as yourself." (Duke Damien) chuckled, looking at me eye to eye. "You're really just like the splitting image of your mother."

For that one moment, I could've sworn his eyes watered but my mind told me I was being paranoid so I ignored that thought and excused myself to my uncle.

"I'll say my greetings to them after the coronation, I'm rather busy greeting my other esteemed guests so if you don't mind, uncle."

"That you will. I bid my farewell to you, dearest niece." (Duke Damien) said as he left to talk with some other noble. I was left to stare at his figure going further away from me.

It was taking Victoria a while to get some glass of water so I decided to find her instead.

I saw Sir Lincoln not too far off and by instinct, I ran up to him to say my greetings. "Sir Lincoln!"

"Oh! If it isn't your highness. Come here you little squirt." I did what he told me and approached him. He gave me a light pat on the head as he talked with Councilor Nikolai. He clicked his tongue, however. "Must you disturb our talk, your highness?" (Councilor Nikolai)

"I don't suppose any talk with you is important so I might as well say my greetings to you councilor," I said while acting all innocent in front of his face.

Still, what is his problem with me?!

"Are you talking back to me? I think you need to be disciplined for the sake of this country-" Before Councilor Nikolai could finish his sentence he was stopped by the hand of Sir Lincoln who I always appreciated.

"Nikolai, that would be enough besides I could use a break from your endless boasting about women. I suppose I can have a little fun with this one. Come on young one, let's grab some food?" (Sir Lincoln) offered his company, I beamed at that offer.

I nodded happily as we walked away from that annoying councilor that knew nothing but to boast on his small achievements.

Sir Lincoln really is like my grandfather from my past life.

I missed his company but he's better off being treated at the hospital than going on adventurers with me in this other new world.

He's the only reason I wanted to come back to earth.

My parents have no care for me. I doubt they even cried at my funeral but I hope grandfather is doing well in the hospital... I hope he still eats well and the nurses take good care of him. "Where is General Crumwell by the way?"

"I do not know. I asked her to grab me a cup of water but she hasn't come back yet..." I responded, looking around the sea of servants and nobles.

Hmm... Victoria usually doesn't take that long. I wonder if something happened to her. We walked towards the table as there were foods placed around it, as well as wine.

He took a glass as he also grabbed a fruit punch and gave it to me. "Here you must be thirsty." (Sir Lincoln)

I actually am.

After all, being with a lot of people- talking to them sure is stressful... I drank the fruit punch and thanked him.

He took a sip of his wine and I couldn't help but ask, "Can I have some wine?"

He almost choked on his drink, and I was taken aback by his reaction. "W-Well! You're of proper age- but you'll be alright with wine but remember men are wolves."

Wait since when were boys involved?!

"Sir Lincoln! Why are you with Princess Elizabeth?" I hear Victoria who was not too far away from us sprinting down to us. Her uniform seemed unkempt and her hair was a bit messy.

I raised my brow and responded, "You took too long so I said my greetings to Sir Lincoln. We're drinking."

"Drinking?! Your highness, you're not allowed to drink until you're sixteen please be careful." (Victoria) scolds me, she's in her mama bear mode again.

"Relax. Mine is just fruit punch although I asked for some wine... he didn't let me have some." I showed her my glass, she gave it a sniff and I went back to playing around with my fruit punch.

"Whew... That's good- I'm glad you didn't drink."

"And you know Victoria I can't help but notice there's something on your right cheek." (Sir Lincoln) said while casually drinking wine as we now know why she was taking so long to get me my glass of water.

There was a lipstick mark on her cheek.

We got her caught.

She was eccentrically blushing hard as she tried defending herself trying to compose words but none came out. It was a lipstick stain- but who could it be?

I sipped my tea- I mean fruit punch giving Victoria the look.

"I expected more from you, Mo- I mean Victoria. To think you perhaps had a make-out session while making me wait here by myself." I said grinning.

Sir Lincoln and I fist-bumped as we tried not to choke on our own drinks from laughing. I taught him that handshake when I spend time with him playing chess.

"I'm proud of you, squirt." (Sir Lincoln) and I clinked our glass while giving Victoria the look.

"I learn a lot from your teachings," As I said that and I felt like Sir Lincoln was proud of that.

"Y-You guys are mean and horrible and this is a misunderstanding-" (Victoria) tried wiping off the lipstick stain off of her cheek but failed.

"And you still love us for that General Crumwell. So who's the lucky person? Already replacing my daughter I see." (Sir Lincoln) laughed softly and it was my turn to choke on my drink. A few has spilled from cup, my eyes widened in shock hearing the juicy tea.

"Guhk! Cough-! Cough!"

What the heck?! What did he say?!

"Sir Lincoln, may you not talk about this when Princess Elizabeth is around. She's still young- I don't want her getting any ideas or nosy with my love life-" (Victoria) I took a handkerchief for me to use and I covered my mouth with it- the punch clogged my throat as I continued to cough.


As if I'll miss out on the gossip- this is the first time I'm hearing about any of her love life- so Victoria dated Sir Lincoln's daughter! What are the odds and why am I only hearing this?!

"And sir- this stain came from an assassin that was trying to poison me from a kiss- her kisses made the guards in patrol paralyzed. I managed to capture the girl and had the guards escort her to the dungeon." (Victoria) sighs, giving a good excuse and takes off the lipstick stain .

"I am immune to some weak poison after all. The guards outside will be fine, they're receiving careful medical treatment and the poison will leave their body in a few minutes."

Sir Lincoln patted her pack and told her a good job for keeping the coronation from being ruined. He turns to her softly and I watched him ask Victoria, "I guess you still love my daughter then-?"

I was watching the two staring at each other in awkward silence. While I hate gossip- I don't mind ones that involves romance- especially when its from my mama bear that had no time to love anyone-

Victoria lowered her head sadly and answered.

"I…do, sir but we both know- duty comes first."

My heart stopped for a moment, staring at Victoria looking so sad.

Duty- did she mean me?