Chapter 50: Orphanage (II).

Chapter 50: Orphanage (II).

Elizabeth's POV

We stopped hugging and went back immediately on the mission.

"Everything is still bits and pieces of puzzles needing to be solved-" I know that there's something more to the story, I wasn't expecting for it to be this complicated but the old lord did something to the whole village not just the orphanage.

"We should ask a few more local shops just in incase." I didn't want to end my search for information because we could always learn something new. I hugged all the books I bought and carried it for now.

"Yes, your highness."

If I use my [Storage Ring] in public, everyone will know I'm no ordinary commoner just browsing around a small village for a visit.

"Let's continue with our mission to-"



It was the sound of my stomach growling loudly- I forgot that I haven't eaten lunch yet and dinner is still a few hours away.

"Is that someone's stomach growling?" (Victoria) teased me as she tried muffling out a soft giggle.