Chapter 54: The Despair (I).

Chapter 54: The Despair (I).

Elizabeth's POV

The threat worked with Katia who gave a frightened expression on her face looking over to me.

"Geez! You scare me! I'm sorry I won't flirt with your daughter anymore."

Victoria scoffs being overly protective of me. I mean it's not like I mind flirting now- maybe?

"Prince- I mean Elizabeth? Please snap out of your trance. You've been staring at your feet for minutes now. Is everything alright?" (Victoria) asks me and I snap out of my mind whispering to me devilish thoughts.

Whenever someone flirts with me I'm never interested- annoyed even.

I'm rather comfortable with Katia though, so I just find it peculiar…

"I am fine. No need to worry, I was just... umm... thinking." I didn't have much of an excuse. They looked at each other and suspected nothing. "Continuing our conversation from before I have a plan in mind that would benefit us both."

"I'm all in then, beautiful."