Chapter 68: A Dull Blade (III).

Chapter 68: A Dull Blade (III).

Elizabeth's POV

The fight was intense, the beast skill was another kind of magic I've never encountered before.

The features of an animal, the behaviors and the abilities.


Katia was amazing. She was shining and seemed like a different person when she used her magic, Victoria was enjoying playing around with her too. I could tell with the thrilled expression on her face, even if she says that there's no need for Katia to come with us into the capital city- she secretly wants to.

"You've gone quiet, is that a side effect from using the Beast-Skill?" (Victoria) tries making small talk as she summons two more earth golems to her side. "[Earth Magic: Form Earth Golem.]"

"..." (Katia) never replied, and just punched continuously on Victoria looking straight ahead at her goal.

Landing a single hit.