Chapter 76: Bestfriend x Bestfriend (III).

Chapter 76: Bestfriend x Bestfriend (III).

Elizabeth's POV

The formal letter of visit. I prepared my garden and ordered a few servants to tend the gazebo to make it presentable. 

Melrose will be meeting up with me, and I want to introduce Katia- the person whom I have uncontrollable desire for.

"I'll be over there in a few minutes picking flowers for your cousin, I want to give her a proper gift of hello."

"You don't need to do that."

"But it's your cousin I want to give a good impression." Katia decided she would pick a few flowers to present to my cousin in the garden. 

Victoria helped by leading her to the best patch and offered a ribbon to tie it down with much aesthetic.

I thought it was a lovely idea after being persuaded with her dilating eyes so I let her collect a few while I waited in the gazebo overseeing her from a proper distance.