Chapter 78: The Emperor’s Birthday Ball (I).

Chapter 78: The Emperor's Birthday Ball (I).

Elizabeth's POV

Ever since my cousin's reveal of being the writer of the love letters, the fifth prince has been rather-

"Once you get into the position of conduct, you'll be able to see what your focus is and the missing equation for proper investigation to find the problem, access the situation and then find the answer." One of my professors was giving me notes, teaching me the way of properly assessing a problem if there was ever one. 

He was writing on a chalkboard that I was on the wall, I read everything and managed to follow through.

"Psst… so your cousin- can I ask when her birthday is?" I could feel someone's whispering making me lose all of my focus.

Prince Nikosh sat beside me listening in to my studies, but he was mostly focused on giving me annoying questions about Melrose. "..."