Chapter 9

It has a high Def, I can presumably take advantage of it as a shield

I brought the trash can out and the clones started placing the garbage in there. Once it was filled with trash, one of the clones put chakra in it and the garbage suddenly vanished, as if it had never been there. Not even a speck of dust left

While they are tidying up, I lay the paper with the seal on the floor and then start placing all of Naruto's clothes, used or not before activating it.

The clothes suddenly disappeared for a minute before reappearing and looking new again, They smelled good and fresh too.

I cleaned the bedsheets and pillow cover next, then the pillows, and then for the last one, the futon.

I put the paper under it with a little corner sticking out so I could activate it.

Despite being bigger than the paper itself, It also disappeared but longer this time. It reappeared after 3 mins, looking new again. It almost looks like it changes color from dirty white to snow white.

1 of the clone is in charge of sweeping, 1 for the bathroom, 1 for putting the trashes they gathered in the trashcan, 1 for wiping the floor and windows, and 1 for organizing the furniture for easier access.

We didn't even shy away from looking everywhere for possible trash hiding in sight. I made them gather all the coupons and money they could find for Naruto. I made another clone to fix the newly cleaned bed and fold the clothes.

One of the clones found the 2nd badge under the bed.


Item: 2nd Konoha Badge (Naruto's Home)

Type: Dungeon

Enemy: Zombies (High Genin to low chunin)

Rank: D    

Completion Prize:???


When Naruto came home, he suddenly seemed to shine as his eyes laid upon his room.

"Wow! So clean! And the bed, the clothes smell good" He said excitedly. There's not really a smell. If I were to say, the air just got fresher

He began familiarizing himself with it as I changed some arrangements to make the room more refreshing.

Seeing the room, I feel proud for some reason. I transformed a shithole into a home suitable for human living.

"Why are you crying?" Damnn. I'm getting emotional about cleaning a room? Looks like I'm getting soft.

I didn't even notice that Naruto was already in front of me, looking as if I'm crazy.

"Ohh, look what I found," I said while showing the coupons, mostly for ramen. I need him to forget that embarrassing moment.

The money? Hehe, it's the payment for my cleaning service. I found a total of 1200 ryo, Quite a lot I say.

I succeeded in changing the topic as he was happily holding the coupons, even raising his arms with them.

I looked outside, I need to go ho- I mean to Sasuke's house for dinner

"Naruto, I need to leave now.. I'll teach you how to use chakra tomorrow," I said goodbye

"Alright!" He didn't even bother to look at me, Am I worth less than a coupon?

[Congratulations for completing a hidden mission 'Clean Naruto's home'. You received a scroll 'Identical Clone' for your reward]

'Let's see the details


Item: Identical Clone Scroll

Type: Miscellaneous

Grade: Rare

Durability: 2/2

Effect: Tear it to use, It will absorb all of your CP for activation.

Description: It's a 1-time use item. It can create a blood and flesh clone, Identical to you in everything. Including your stats. It's a mirror copy of yourself that will last for 24 hours. It can disappear earlier if the HP is brought down to zero. It can also access the Inventory. The clone can also recover its own HP and CP, and it has Unlimited Stamina.


That's cool, I can use it to create a clone to train in the forest while I do the reading and training with Sasuke and Naruto.

I suddenly felt my clone in the library dispelled, It's closing time already? I can probably ace the test already with the number of books the clones have read but I have OCD. I don't feel right when I didn't read and complete all the books at the academy level.

I only plan to read the Information and useful jutsu on the genin level and above.

I transformed into my cat form and then fastened my speed by jumping on the roof.

I'm finally ho- I mean I finally arrived at Sasuke's home, I went in and looked for Sasuke but he's not there.

Still Training? A hardworking child I see.

After waiting in his room for about half an hour, he finally arrived with his pocket full of leaves.

I raised my eyebrow (If a cat has one) when I saw it. He smiled when he saw me and then put all the leaves out on the bed. He then went to the bathroom to bathe.

He finished after 5 mins.

"You're done with the thing you need to do?" He asked

I answered "Not yet, I'll go tomorrow again"(I'm still in my cat form)

"Why do you need to read so much? You can do it once we attend the academy" he asked curiously.

"Well, I won't have a chance to attend school anymore as I'm about to be a genin" I said.

"What!? but you're like, the same age as me" he said with a surprised face, I wish I had a camera with me here. I'll look in the shop later.

"Any problem there Sasuke?!" We heard his mother saying

"No Mom, I'm fine!" Sasuke answered back and then we heard his mother walking away.

"But my combat strength has already surpassed most genin, and that is when I don't know how to use Taijutsu or any weapons yet. I'm learning how to fight close combat now. If I attend the Academy, I'll just waste my time, and look at the bright side. I'll be the youngest genin in the world and you can graduate as the rookie of the year in the Academy if I'm not there" I said teasingly, he grumbled for a bit before reluctantly agreeing with me.

"Fine, I'll do my best to graduate early! I'll surpass you." He said with determination.

If I arrive on his brooding days instead, He might say 'Just wait, I'll defeat you soon'.

"I'll be waiting for that day Sasuke," I said, although it's impossible with my system. *sigh*

"How's your training?" I changed his attention

"Look! I can stick 12 leaves already!" He said while happily showing it to me

"Nice one!" While showing my thumb then winked at him.

"cute" Sasuke whispered while looking in a daze at me. I took a second before realizing what he meant.

I remembered that I'm in my cat form so I imagined my pose, It's indeed cute. (Narcissistic Cat spotted)

"Sasuke!, Dinners ready!" We heard his mom again



CC - Chakra Control

CP - Chakra Point

HP - Health Point

SP - Stamina Point