Chapter 33

After hearing this, Naruto looked smugly at the 2 girls who were undergoing an internal transformation.

"How do you feel?" I asked the 2 girls

"I feel ticklish, I can also feel something on my stomach" Aika.

"That's probably chakra and since you ate a pill that removes only feel ticklish," I said.

"Pain?!" Aika said, shocked and with a pale face.

"Yeah, after all, forcefully increasing your chakra is painful. The orange pill is to strengthen your body so it won't explode while the yellow pill is to remove the pain" I explained.

"Explode?" I heard Airi whisper.

"After the ticklish feeling disappears, eat the green pill. It is used to heal your damaged chakra path." I continued.

Since the internal transformation won't affect the 2 girls thanks to the pills, I decided to tell them their Schedule starting tomorrow.

I unfolded the scroll I wrote earlier.



5:30 am - Wake up

6 a.m. - I will make breakfast and create a Bento for everyone (Including Sasuke).

7 a.m. - Haku, Jugo, and Kimimaro will go to school.

Naruto, Karin, Airi, Aika, and Sasuke will train (Ninjutsu) at the lake.

9:30 am - 1-hour Break

10:30 am - Continue Training


Noon - 1 hour Lunch time, eat your bento.

4 pm - Once school ends, Haku, Jugo, and Kimimaro will join the others in training at the lake.

1-6 pm - Training (Taijutsu)


6 pm - Everyone will go home, Sasuke will always bring extra clothes and will take a bath in Naruto's Bathroom. Everyone will need to clean themselves before going to my room.

7 pm - I will cook for dinner and everyone will decide who will clean the dishes.

9 pm - I will send Sasuke home and everyone will go to their room.

10 pm - Everyone should be asleep at this time.]

"I know it's a tight schedule but once you master the basics, each of you will decide your own training method. You'll have your free time on Sunday while I'll bring you on my missions on Saturday for Combat Experience, you need life-threatening situations to stimulate your potential" I said.

"Raise your hand if you have something in mind," I said with a "kind" smile.

No one moved.

"Looks like we have an agreement. You need to strengthen your body first so your Taijutsu Training includes a hundred push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 5 laps around the village. I allow you to take a break once you reach your limit and accumulate to reach the target during the  1st week but after that, you need to complete it without stopping midway or you need to restart the counting. You can only take a break when you finish a type of exercise before continuing to others. Create a list for those who completed the taijutsu training in time and then I'll check it every week, those who completed it all can take 3 snacks and 3 drinks of their choice." the prize might be nothing to grownups but it is the best motivation for this kids.

Thanks to their Chakra training, their bodies were on par with teens from Earth. Every time they do waterball, tree walking, and water walking, the chakra will flow on their legs and arms which in turn nourish their muscles. As for the 2 new kids, Airi and Aika. The chakra outburst because of forcefully increasing it already strengthened their body, coupled with the Physique strengthening pill, their body strength can keep up with the others.

"For your next Ninjutsu Training Regimen, after the Waterball, use a stick and draw on the ground. A circle with your left hand and a square with your right hand at the same time then vice versa. You need to be able to draw it in a second. After that is square×Triangle, Circle×Triangle, and Heart×Star, then think of something to draw and share it with others. Remember to make it harder than what I gave, You need to draw what everyone shared including your Idea, it's considered a pass if you've drawn it in a second." I said

"What's it for?" Aika said while silently lamenting that she got adopted by someone who required them to train. She won't complain as they need to be strong but she wants to play, to have fun.

"To train your mind and hand speeds, ninjutsu required hand signs, both hands need to move differently from each other and need to be fast. This method can help train your hand coordination." I explained.

"That's easy, I just need to draw?" Naruto exclaimed, I just smiled and said nothing. I plan to use that training method too, but in secret. During the night is good as I do not need to sleep.

Besides, I have something to uphold as their guardian.

"Aika and Airi, come here again," I said, I gave them the storage and fireball seal.

"Teach them how to use it, I'll cook our dinner.." I said to the others.

I stood up and was about to go out when I remembered something.

"Juice?" I asked.

"Pineapple!" Naruto answered, and the others just nodded at that.

I went to the kitchen and started to cook, I first created the juice and put it in the freezer.

When I finished, I called them.

"Dinner's Ready!" Just after that, I heard fast footsteps.

We ate then they decided who was washing the dishes.

Mon - Jugo and Aika

Tue - Haku and Karin

Wed - Kimi and Naruto

The - Airi and Sasuke

Fri - Jugo and Airi

Sat - Kimi and Aika

Sun - Haku and Sasuke

Karin unanimously became the little sister of everyone so she only needed to clean dishes once a week while Naruto was also once a week for my pocket's sake. They even put Kimi as his partner for the plate's well-being.

I sent Sasuke home while the others went to their room.

I started my hand training after arriving at my room.

Don't think dirty...I meant shape drawing...or maybe I'm the one with a dirty mind?

At 10 pm, I went outside and checked if all the kids were asleep..which is not.

The 3 oldest kids and Naruto are still awake.

I opened their door as I had a spare key to everyone's room.

I went to them one by one and said.

"Stop training, it's sleep time" and they said their excuses.

The 3 older kids were doing Waterball Training. Using the water from the bathroom and putting it in a bucket.

"We're behind the others because of school" Kimi

"No excuses, go to sleep" I replied.

"I'm older so I need to get stronger to be able to protect the younger ones" Haku

"And you need the energy to train and become strong so sleep, alright?" I said which he reluctantly nodded.

"I wasted my time in school instead of training" Jugo

"I won't let you skip your 1st year if you don't sleep," I said, he stopped and immediately lay down.

and Naruto who's trying the new training method for ninjutsu.

"I want to get ahead of everyone! I'm not good at learning like the others so I can only work harder. " Naruto.

"Being competitive is good but you also need the energy to train tomorrow, you should sleep." I said

After double-checking that everyone was asleep, I went to the Hokage.