Chapter 37

Airi reacted shortly but then accepted it afterward and viewed it as normal. I figured that she has low EQ and the heart of an assassin which I also don't know why.

Naruto and Aika reacted the wildest that I had to convince them by telling them some things that might happen if they hesitate to kill in a battle, like losing their family and friends.

Aika agreed after some explanation with her twin helping me to convince her.

I spent a long time convincing Naruto and creating some reasoning to counter his unreasonable logic or maybe reasonable considering his strongest Jutsu, the talk no jutsu.

He keeps saying that he won't kill and instead, convinces them to be a good person. Fortunately, he's still a kid and his way of being a ninja hasn't solidified in his heart and mind yet.

He finally agreed after seeing that I was losing my patience. Fortunately, my prestige in his heart was higher than his empathy for the enemy.

The camp consists of 10 merciless bandits, who won't hesitate to kill a kid. A good training partner to train the children's heart.

I gave a requirement that they would pass only if they killed at least 1 person with their own hands, and we wouldn't leave until they all completed it.

They can only use taijutsu, don't hold back or it will cost a life.

Their body is already strong enough to match the bandits due to their training. Sasuke, Kimi, Jugo, and Haku kids already taught the others during their previous training on how to use shurikens, kunai, and a dagger.

This is something I thought of to darken Naruto a little, I don't like the original naive Naruto but Asura's Chakra is persistent in making Naruto into a naive hero.

As a result, all of them puked and collapsed for their first kill using their own hands, feeling the sensation of piercing the flesh and getting splashed by blood. Especially Naruto who became downcast.

Every time they're about to kill them, they keep hesitating and the bandits keep on taking that as a chance to kill the kids.

I don't know how many times it happened to everyone but it's because of that, it gave them the resolve to kill. Of course, except for Naruto who wants to take a gamble that the bandits will listen to his rambling.

Obviously, the Bandits ignored him as one of the reasons I chose them was that they won't be swayed by words as they kill for entertainment only.

Naruto fought the longest as he hesitated a lot.

Kimimaro and Jugo faced 2 bandits at once while the rest had one each.

I created 8 clones to monitor each of them, they will only save the kids if they are sure to die. The kids are trained with chakra so they have more vitality than a normal man.

The clones won't help them even if they get stabbed, they will only help if you can't move anymore. Before the fight, I also told them not to use any bloodline power, just pure taijutsu, they don't have any ninjutsu spells anyway.

Airi could adapt fast and managed to learn during the fight until she finally overpowered her enemy while Aika was hesitant to fight, she almost died in the end so I had to save her. I paralyzed the enemy and commanded Aika to kill him.

Karin is the same as Aika but she manages to resolve her guts and kills the enemy without my help.

Haku, that kind boy also doesn't want to kill but the prospect of failing to protect his new family because of hesitation strengthens his resolve to kill.

Kimimaro doesn't care and fights without any hesitation and has no say in killing since he's been treated as a weapon by his clan.

Jugo already fought and killed before so he's okay with killing bad people.

Sasuke managed to awaken his Sharingan in the face of death. I intentionally let him fight the strongest bandit since he's trained before even meeting me and also, he needs pressure to awaken Sharingan. The fight will be easy afterward since he won't notice, and control his newly awakened dojutsu so I warned him.

"No Sharingan!" I said with a smile. Sasuke heard me and smiled excitedly, he tried turning off the Sharingan but it was too late already since he already had the upper hand.

Naruto faced the 2nd strongest since he's a persistent cockroach, he has high stamina and great vitality. It won't be easy to kill him, he can't die with the Kyuubi waiting for a chance.

In the middle of the fight, Naruto started emitting red chakra because he saw how the others were fighting for their lives while he was there hesitating to kill.

"No chakra!" My clone said.

Naruto got stunned for a bit then the red chakra receded, quite funny I say.

Because of my rules and Naruto being an obedient child to me..he ignored the Kyuubi's temptation and fought using Taijutsu only.

Until now. I can't help but laugh remembering that time. Hahahhahahah, Kurama must be cursing at me nonstop now.

I submitted the mission while they tried to calm down. I then used the payment to treat them to ichiraku ramen. For the first time, Naruto was not that excited to eat ramen and only ate 2 bowls and stayed quiet in our apartment.

While walking, I took this chance to test their state after their kill.

Kimimaro, Jugo, and Haku are fine cause they already killed someone before while Karin took little time to calm down as she was already determined to kill those who wronged her mother when she decided to be a ninja.

Sasuke's joy for awakening Sharingan overshadowed his disgust for killing.

Airi is good and seems to not care about that much while Aika is still sad but still better than Naruto.

I left them on their own as I decided to stalk Shisui and Itachi while they trained.

I plan to let shisui jump off the waterfall and 'die' to awaken Itachi's Mangekyo as I wait below to catch him. I'll help him heal and regenerate his eyes with a miraculous item from the shop.

When Itachi was about to massacre the Uchiha Clan, I'll stop him and let Tobi do all the work while I let Shisui communicate with Itachi.

I want to make Itachi a spy in Akatsuki, the Uchiha massacre still needs to happen as I honestly think they're a bother but this time, only Tobi will conduct the massacre while Danzo and Hiruzen think it's Itachi.

Konohas higher-ups will think that Itachi is their spy which is mine, feeding them some incomplete or fake news under my instructions.

As for how to convince Itachi, the village and the Idea of Peace are enough. There's still time, I'll think of the specific content later.

I'll let Shisui be a staff in the shop I'm about to build. I'll be buying the merchandise in the system shop and then selling it at a higher price.

I can also probably save Shin, Sai's 'brother' then heal him to be a staff.

My shop deserves a strong ninja Shopkeeper, I'll be selling miraculous items after all. Pills, High-quality weapons, and delicious foods.