Evolution. [Day 2]

With the day ahead I decided it would probably be a good idea to self-teach myself how to throw weapons.

First, I grab some loose rocks around the area and head out of the cave. I then create a target to hit which is just one of the smaller rocks on top of a larger one and the goal is to hit the smaller rock off.

I then spent a few hours trying to hit the rock and it was only when I got to around 50% accuracy did, I get an announcement.

[Conditions met to have gained the skill: Basic Weapon Throwing (Rank 1: 0/5)]

> Basic Weapon Throwing (Rank 1: 0/5)

The ability to throw weapons or projectiles at a target using your arms as propulsion. Grants +2 STR & +1 AGI.

After getting the skill announcement I feel a very slight tingle in my brain that only lasts for a brief second then leaves. Testing to see if the tingling was what I think it was I throw to hit the target again and out of the ten tries I hit seven this time.

Skills seem to be unlocked by certain conditions that must be met and then when you do, you gain further understanding from gaining the skill.

Whilst I was thinking this Rex has woken up and came outside the cave and is trying to get me to play again.

Me: "Seems you have become energetic now Rex."

Actual now would be a good time to do another test which is to see what would happen if I gave a none rank beast some EXP.

Me: "Alright Rex let's go have some fun."

Going back to the cave I pick up the dagger and horn and head to the river.

For this, I plan to catch one of the small creatures like a horned rabbit or an Eiri although if it is an Eiri they are most likely going to be in a group. I also don't know how Rex is going to react to the Eiri because he might be afraid of them now.

At the river, I find a lone horned rabbit. After making sure that the area is safe, I get the attention of the rabbit.

Once it sees me it then starts to charge and dash at me. With my increased agility it is not difficult to doge it then grabs it around its waist.

With a firm grip, I then walk back to Rex who is waiting where I told him.

Me: "Alright Rex, I want you to attack this rabbit."

Just realised how odd it is to say to your puppy, but we live in a harsh world.

Squatting down next to Rex I see that he is slightly confused as he tiled his head to the side but once he realised what I am holding he bares his teeth and grows.

Me: "It is all right Rex you just need to attack it."

I then present the rabbit's neck to Rex. With his instincts kicking in he sees an opportunity and attacks the rabbit biting into its neck killing it.

[Companion: Rex has gained 7 EXP]

Well, this is new. I assume that it has made Rex a companion as I helped him with the gain the EXP and be being the "owner" of Rex, but I am unsure if that is how it works. Can't test that now as I don't have any other companions.

It is also a bit disappointing as I didn't get anything for level up or if anything else was done. Might need some more EXP. Rex and I continued to walk the river killing any horned rabbits and Eiri that we found. I stayed away from any wolves for now as I don't know how Rex or the wolves will react. On another note, Rex seemed to react fine to the Eiri except maybe a bit more defence and wary of them, might have learned from his mothers' death. He is such a smart boy.

During the hunting, I also got a message.

[Skill has levelled up: Basic Enhanced Senses 1/5 -> 2/5 ]

It was after killing one more Eiri that I got a new message.

[Companion: Rex has evolutions available now]

[Due to meeting certain conditions Wolf Pup has unlocked new evolutions]

So, the test was a success then, instead of them growing up to escape none rank you can feed them EXP, and it can force them. It also seems to have given Rex a new evolution, let's hope that he picks it.

With everything done for the day we take a quick drink from the river and head back to the cave for dinner.

After a good dinner of rabbit meat and some lettuce I found in the forest we both head to bed with Rex sleeping next to me.

As I start to wake up, I can feel a heavyweight on. Opening my eyes to see that where Rex was originally, is now a large wolf with thick fur in lovely white fur with blue streaks. I can also see it has large sharp claws and looking at his face he has very distinctive sharp grey eyes.

[Race: Young Falmer, Sex: Male, Rank: F-]

A young wolf that has gone through much at a young age and has gained experience from that and learned from it. They are stronger and more intelligent than normal wolves and often make strong bonds with what they consider their loved ones.

Rex realising that I have woven up rolls over to lick my face.

Me: "Morning Rex, look at you become all grown up. What a good boy." I say this whilst giving him a belly rub causing him to wiggle around.

Getting up I can also see my change as before I only came up to about a third of the way to the cave entrance but now, I stand up to about half of the entranceway. I also think that I am now closer to a lower average human height.

I also then decide to look at my stats.

Name: ???

Race: Kabalt

Sex: Male

Rank: F-

Class: None

Level: 0/15

Health: 22/22

Stamina: 30/30

Mana: 18/18

STR: 13

VIT: 9

AGI: 15

INT: 6


Unassigned Stat Points: 0

Magic skills:

> None

Weapon skills:

> None

Personal skills:

> Basic Enhanced Senses (Rank 1: 2/5)

> Basic Weapon Throwing (Rank 1: 0/5)


> flint dagger (Basic), Horn (Basic)

Evolving is nice.