What we came for. [Day 7]

After exiting the cave, we regroup with the guard squad and head back to the village. Back at the village, we spit up the gains of the hunt again whilst many of the guard's comment that they are close to evolving with only a few more levels whilst some say that they can evolve.

Taking my hunt, I head straight for Horst hut which Valret pointed to me.

I can instantly recognise his house as it is much the same as the blacksmith's house back at the abandoned village with the large chimney out the top and a large open forge where I can see that Horst is hammering away at a broken saw.

Feeling it is rude to interrupt a craftsman at his work I wait for him as he has not seen me approach. He only sees me when he moves from the anvil to place the saw in water to quench it.

Horst: "Lothran, I see that you are back. How can I help you?"

Smiling at his direct approach I drop my bag and bring out the iron.

Me: "I want you to check this to see if this is the iron that you need."

Pulling off his gloves he approaches me and takes the iron from my hand.

Horst: "Sure looks like iron but let me check."

He then goes back into his forge and using his hammer smashes up the ore into a powder.

Horst: "Yep this is Iron ore. If you can get me more of it, I can be making weapons in no time."

Me: "Fantastic but it might take a bit of time to get it to you as we need to mine out a pathway towards it."

Horst: "We need the iron as fast as possible as we also need to make some more tools. I will gather some people to help mine faster."

Me: "That can work, meet tomorrow with the guard squad and we can take you there. It would also help if you made some sledges or something to carry the iron when we transport it later."

Horst: "That's child's play."

Me: "I will see you tomorrow."

I then head for home to have a lovely hot dinner and a cosy bed.

Waking up the next day I meet with the guard's squad but can see some evolved people among the group I would say around a third are evolved and based upon what they said yesterday the rest should evolve by the end of the day.

I can see that all the evolved have chosen Kabalt and kept the more humanoid way. That is fine as I can work with that. More importantly, I can see that Valret has also evolved but has gained something new.

[Race: Young Amux, Sex: Male, Rank: F-]

Evolved from Kobolt, Amux is more aligned to battle and fighting than leaning to craft the blades they use to defeat their foe. Growing stronger through each battle they learn much often leading them to become leaders of great soldiers. If they can survive.

What an awesome surprise as with Valret now leading the squad they have become much more powerful. I look forward to seeing what he does for the squad.

With the guard squad near, we are now just waiting for the helpers with Horst. In fact, I can see them arriving now.

Horst is leading a group of around 15 people towards us.

Me: "You ready to head out Horst."

Horst: "We will be under your protection."

My plan for this is now going to change a bit. Valret will lead all the teams that have not evolved yet towards the river and finish levelling them up. These are three of the teams. I will then lead the other two teams of evolved monsters up towards the cave and start mining operations on the iron.

Heading up the mountain whilst the other times have been fine it had to be this time that we ran into something.

On the path, I can see that there are around five Caracas on the path. This could be good practice as with a two on one for the caracal against the evolved guard squad I think it would be fine. Alright, then let's have a showdown Evolved Guard Squat VS Five Crazy Caracal

*In announcer's voice*.

And the match begins. Team Evo comes hot out the gates running straight for Team Crazy. Ooo risky strategy happening here folks Evo have spilt into teams of two to give themselves the advantage against team Crazy.

That's right interesting game going on here, but it looks like team Crazy have spotted them and are now also going in for the attack.

Team Crazy is not messing around and diving straight in and OW, that looked painful folks taking a club straight to the head is never good for mental health. Down goes one for Team Crazy and it looks like Team Evo is going in strong moving fast here looking to finish the game quick.

Looks like Team Crazy are not going out without a fight through. He goes for the fake then the striking from the teammate from behind, ooo a common strategy of Team Crazy team Evo should have seen that coming. Maybe getting a bit too cock early in the fight. I found the most teams who start off strong can easily crumble fast ain't that right Jim.

That's right Bob but don't let us distract the viewer as team Evo comes back strong with a pincer attack. They are going straight for them. Pow look at that destruction Bob, pure carnage. Team Crazy is getting weaker by the second here with only three teammates left on the pitch.

Got to agree with you here Jim team Crazy have not been doing too good this season with another loss before this game, but I imagine that they are hoping for a good game now.

I think so too Bob so let's hope for a good rest of the ga- wait, what, team Crazy are leaving the field. Ref this can't be allowed. Bob do something.

The hell you expect me to do Jim running away is in the handbook, so it allowed. They seemed to have escaped now, so that puts an end to tonight's episode of Monsters Melee Mashup. Don't forget to catch up on Monsters Melee Montage and catch all the best bits. Hope to catch you again next time. This has been Bob.

And me, Jim. Have a lovely evening. Stay safe.

Yep, it is official I have lost my mind. But I like it. Makes me feel free.