The other village. [Month 4 Day 2]

It was another comfortable stay at the village with the elves and I got to chat a bit more with Almaien before leaving for the other villages. I decided to take three cards with me and upgrade them to be made into mini cores that can make other cards. I would give these to the other village leaders so that they could make their cards and so I did not need to worry about making them and producing them in my village.

Following the same path as last time, I went to Nilahr, Alor, and last Liko village.

I had some brief talks with all of them just catching up with them and seeing how they have been whilst I was away. They all told me that they have been rather peaceful, and the villages are back up and running after the demon attack.

After the pleasantries, I then went into the talk about the economic system. I had to go full sales pitch talking about the benefits. Such as instant transactions between people, stimulating growth in the village, helping trade with the other villages, connect with other villages. They were also quick to realise that I would be made the ruler of the area if I were to do this.

There was a sort of mixed opinion on this.

The main problem came from Nilahr who was adamantly against the idea of an economic system.

After explaining to her how the system works and the details of it, she immediately threw the card back on the table.

Nilahr: "NO, I will not accept or use this horrible economic system again."

Me: "But there are so many advantages to using them, don't you want to be connected with the other villages. You also sit in a very advantageous position being close to the sea you can trade fish and such goods to land villages which could be largely profitable for your village."

Nilahr: "NO, NEVER, I won't do that again. They are a terrible thing and destroy lives."

Me: "What do you mean by again and how they could destroy the lives of people."

Nilahr: "I came to his remote village so that I would not have to deal with crap like this again it already destroyed my old life it won't do it to this one."

Me: "I understand that it has destroyed your past life, but I can tell you now that this is not like any other system that would have been used before. I can also promise you it won't destroy your life here. It's not fair or right of me to ask about your past life so I won't. But I can tell you now that I will make sure that this system does not fail you or anyone. That is one of the main points of this system. It actively encourages people to have better lives. It gains money back from people if there is flowing of cash and that is based upon the number of transactions that are happening a day. Meaning the more people trading and do the transactions the better it does. So, I want to make sure that people succeed and do well. All people."

Nilahr: "There is no way that you can help all people."

Me: "Well I can as I can see all the transactions and account the people have and can monitor what people are doing. Through this, I can make sure that everything is running smoothly. In all honesty, even if it does fail, we can all go back to the way that it was before, but I have full confidence that it will successes and so does Almaien."

Nilahr: "Almaien has agreed to this?"

Me: "Yep and placed a lot of trust in me that I can take it far."

Nilahr: "*sigh* I will use it but don't expect me to care of try and help if it fails and if it does fuck my life over again, I will make sure that you suffer with me."

Me: "I will gladly accept that as is my responsibility as giving it to you. But quickly, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to but could you give me a brief overview of the system that you used to use and how you got fucked over."

She takes a moment to respond.

Nilahr: "To put it simply the government had a crisis in war, and they needed extra money, so they gave themselves the money as they had something similar to this as in it was digital like the system. They just gave themselves all this money and it worked for a short couple of years but eventually, it caught back up with them and the money that they had become worthless, and the country descended into chaos."

Me: "Well if it puts any confidence in you that is impossible with this system as there is a cap on it so no matter what you could not just print money as you needed."

She just stays silent and so to make it less awkward I just ask her to fill out her information and tell her how to make new cards for the rest of her village.

Liko was perfectly fine with the system as her main interest, to begin with, was never running the village it was kind of just put on her. This is where I found some interesting past about her. Her father was the original leader of the village but was killed when the bandits took over and so as the daughter of the old head people just wanted her to take over. She did not mind this as she wanted to help her friends and people from the village, but she was more interested in researching things. So, it was easy to concise her to join in on the system and get her and the village set up.

Alor liked the idea of the village but had concerns about it as if one village had lots to trade lots of money would flow in their directions, but little would flow back. He became concerned that his village would fall behind as he thought that he had nothing to trade. I told him that he needs to find a way to trade otherwise his village would suffer. So, I decided to brainstorm with him about what they could trade or what the village does that is of large value.

Turns out he was sitting on the gold mine of gold mines for natural productions. He had a local plant that was the same as hemp back on earth which he did not realises had a large array of uses. They were just using them to make rope for bows and such. But it has a massive number of other uses such as oil, fuel, and the greatest for us is insulation. It also can be used in plaster, but we need lime and sand as we don't have those in large amounts right now.

After telling him about these uses, he became very happy and less worried about the system and was immediately happy to join in on the system. I gave the briefest overview of how they are made as I sadly only knew about them and had previously had a brief read about it as I thought it was interesting. He said that we would figure it out to help his village.

With that, I had every village a part of the system and it was time to just watch it expand whilst I worked on myself for a bit.