Charlee-Some Past History

Well to start off my mother and father divorced when I was only a couple months and while my brother was two. My father never wanted children but my mother stopped her birth control just to have my brother and basically tricked my father into it. Then came me, one night my father got wasted and my mom took advantage of it and what do you I came about. Now our father loves us dearly and takes amazing care of us but, kids were never meant to be on his radar. Ever since I can remember we've gone back and fourth from moms to dads. At one point we had to go to therapy for the toll the divorce took on us. Also for a long while my mother and father have had so many problems with each other and sometimes my mom just kept us way longer than she should have. I don't know exactly when mom and Aaron met but I think its been over like 4-6 years? Maybe less? I'm not quite sure I don't like Aaron at all so I tend to just discard everything I know about him. I know Sam has been around 6 years because Ava, one of our dogs was 1 when she came around and now our old girl is going on 7 years. Oh I almost forgot to mention my family kind of has this tradition? I don't know what you would call it but like every year My grandma from dads side and moms side come around to bake along with ,Lillian and my other cousin Lillian (Weird right there only a couple months apart and have the same first name and middle name and they are both my family) But like every year we all normally meet at my grana's house(My mom's mom) and just make a bunch of treats! I love that but last year Lilly couldn't come because of her mom so it was just me and Lou being the only kids. I don't even know why I took the time to talk about this but I guess it's because its important to me? But honestly I've never really dealt with suicidal thoughts, depression, ect until Sam left. I felt my world crash and I only knew one person whose dealt with all of that and could talk to me, because I trust her and that was Lou. She texted me and I told her about what was happening and I asked if we could meet up and she said yea and so when we met up she ran and just hugged me. I felt so safe in that moment and I just started balling, Lou has always been there for me and I couldn't be more grateful. I mean I'm grateful she evens hangs out with me ya know? She's almost three years older than me and some people kind of make fun of her for allowing me to tag along and hang with her. But even though it she's always hung out with me and is more like a sister and best friend to me. But enough with this I have to go to Friday Football sorry for the short chapter, I'm sure Lou will make up for it for me.