Chapter 1: At the Balcony

In a far away land there was a kingdom near the ocean named Yzon. It was a beautiful and peaceful kingdom ruled by King Jupt and Queen Mara. The King and Queen were blessed with two sons and one daughter. Prince Kenra was the oldest. He was hardworking and a gentleman while Prince Miro was a playboy but had a kind heart. Princess Wara was the youngest and she was well-known for her playing of piano since she was young and her outstanding beauty.

The young Princess Wara loves to play piano like her mother. At the age of 4, Princess Wara already built her name in music that makes her more famous among Princesses across many kingdoms.

One day when Queen Mara was writing her original composition, little Wara slept peacefully beside her. A few minutes passed, Princess Wara woke up and saw her mother writing and humming a piece she had never heard before.

"What are you writing, mama?" she asked with a sleepy voice.

"I was writing a new composition, my angel." her mother answered while looking at her with a smile on her face.

"Really??" the princess asked with excitement.

"May I hear it mama?" she added.

"I haven't finished it yet, my angel." the queen replied.

"Pleaseee, mama?" the princess answered with a pleasing voice.

"I want to finish it first my angel before you can hear it. I promise that as soon as I complete it, I will definitely play it for you first, okay? the queen replies while holding Wara's face gently.

"Okay mama, I'm going to wait until you finish your composition. So that I could hear it, mama" the princess said.

When Wara said those words, Queen Mara hugged her tightly. The Queen really hopes she could finish her last composition that she personally dedicates to Princess Wara. The night when she finished her composition, the Queen coughed blood and stained her composition and died. Princess Wara goes to her mother's bedroom after she woke up. She saw her brothers and her father crying sorrowfully besides the Queen. The finished composition is the only thing her mother holding before she died. The blood stain in the papers shows that the Queen really wanted to complete it even when she was sick.

The whole kingdom was in sorrow for the death of the Queen. Every person in the kingdom throws a flower in the ocean to pay respect and show love to their Queen. The royal family has a bigger loss for any other people in the kingdom. But Princess Wara suffered the most. She thinks that she's the one who killed her mother because the composition was dedicated to her. Since then she has never played the piano again.

The death of the Queen was also the death of Princess Wara's dream to be like her mother, a great pianist and a genius composer.

Two years passed, the wind was colder due to the winter season coming. People in towns and even in their houses were busier. They were storing goods and everything they needed, especially wood, in order to make them warm during the winter and food to eat. When the winter season is coming, the birthday of Princess Wara is also approaching. King Jupt planned to throw a party for the 13th birthday of her only daughter. So he hired people to operate and make the party in order, happy, and peacefully. The King wanted to make Princess Wara happy and smile again after the death of the Queen.


Saturday, January 11th

The day of the 13th birthday of Princess Wara. The palace was being ready for the party and every servant was all busy. When Princess Wara was wandering and looking out the window, she saw a carriage coming and stopped by the gate of the palace. The carriage passes through the gate and soon arrives at the palace. A man in uniform came out from the carriage and talked to the front guards. After that, the men were helping the coachman by putting down their things. Then the Princess saw a girl coming out to the carriage. The girl was very different, she wore clothes like a man and holding a picture frame in her right hand. The Princess was waiting for the girl to look at the window to see the girl's face. Then suddenly, someone knocked on her door.

"Are you awake my princess? I've got your breakfast. I ordered the cook to make your favorite pan cakes. May I come in?" the king asked. Princess Wara opened the door and greeted her father.

"Good morning Dad." She said as she opened the door.

"You don't really have to bring my food all the way here. I've already told you Dad that I'm an adult now and it's been a thousand times that I've told you that. You're really a stubborn Dad" she added while teasing her father. The King chuckled on what the Princess said. He then put the breakfast he's holding at the table.

"Happy birthday my princess" the king greeted with happiness and hugged her daughter.

"Thanks Dad" the princess replied and hugged back her father.

The time had come and the party was starting. An orchestra started to play. It makes the party filled with music and happiness. The respectable men and women were one by one entering and arriving at the palace. Some of them were royalties from different kingdoms. A lot of them attended just to meet the well-known pianist that was rumored across many kingdoms. One of the royalty attending the party was the only son of King Der, Prince Claude of the kingdom of Thun in the West portion of the Great Capitol. King Jupt greeted and thanked the visitors for their generosity for the birthday party of Princess Wara. After the speech of the King, Princess Wara entered the party. She wears her mother's dress, a simple yet elegant dress that makes her look more attractive. Prince Kenra escorted her during her walk. All the young gentlemen were fascinated by Princess Wara's beauty.

The party is filled with music, the ladies and gentlemens dance with their partner. Prince Claude approaches Princess Wara in her seat.

"Would you like to dance, Princess?" He asked.

"Hmm. Sure." She responded.

Then after that they proceed to the dance area. The orchestra started to play waltz.

"My name is Prince Claude." He said. Then bows in front of the Princess.

"I'm Princess Wara." She replied, bowing back to the Prince.

The two dance like a couple and make the crowd fall in love with them. During their dance, Princess Wara noticed a person watching them sitting in the corner. Princess Wara tried to ignore that person, but because she was curious she looked again. Their eyes met. The Princess felt a sensation and connection with that person even when she's just looking into her eyes. She didn't even realize that she's still dancing with Prince Claude at the moment.

"Are you alright, Princess?" the prince asked.

"Ahh yeah.." the princess answered and nodded.

They continued their dance until a few moments later, Princess Wara remembered the person. She then realized that the person was the girl she saw earlier holding a picture frame. Upon remembering those things, she looked around the corner and didn't see her. The Princess felt sad and told the Prince that she needed to go to the bathroom for the moment. The Prince agreed and let her go then he went back to his seat.

The Princess tried to look at the girl she saw earlier. She finds her around the corridors and sees nothing. She then went to the balcony, the air was cold yet she still looked around to find the girl. After a few minutes, she doesn't find her so the Princess decides to go back to the party and also because she's freezing. Then suddenly a warm coat was put upon her shoulders. She then looked back and saw the girl she was finding.

"What are you doing out here, your Highness?" the girl asked.

"I… just wanted to see the moon." She answered nervously.

"I see.. You better go back inside your Highness, it's freezing here. You'll get a cold if you're going to stay here." the girl replied with a worried voice.

"Yeah I know, thanks for reminding..?"

"Selene.. My name is Selene, your Highness." the girl answered while smiling.

The Princess smiled back and her heart beat so fast. Their eyes met once again. The cold wind feels warmer, a moment of silence spreads around the place, the Moon is set and the stars twinkle above them.