Chapter 3: The ring

The view at the cliff was so fascinating. Selene put down the basket and sat down beside Princess Wara. A moment of silence, only the wind and the waves creating sounds. Then Selene stares at Princess Wara. She looked at every detail of the Princess' face.

Her hair was like silk, her ears were triangular in shape, her eye color was like an emerald green. Her eyelashes were long and her eyebrows were perfectly curved. Her nose was straight, which made her side profile more beautiful. Her lips were like a cherry that has a heart shape. And she has a little dimple in her right cheek.

Selene was amazed by the Princess' beauty and made her think that she surely has a lot of suitors across many kingdoms. Maybe the one she danced with at the party was one of her royal suitors, she said in her mind. After a few minutes of staring, Selene brings out the biscuits and juice.

"Your highness, have some biscuits and juice."

"Ahm yeah, Thank you."

"Did you make these biscuits, your highness?"

"Hmm yeah.. How does it taste?"

"It was delicious, your highness. The biscuits were baked perfectly soft and melted in my mouth."


"Yes, your highness."

"Actually, my mother and I often bake when she's still alive. She's the one who taught me how to bake but I never copied the taste of her biscuits. There was also a time that I made for my brothers, they tasted it and didn't like the taste. They say that it was too sweet and not baked properly."

"It makes me hurt," she added.

"But, about what I said a while ago, your highness. Your biscuits were delicious and perfectly baked, if you didn't tell me that this biscuits was made by you, I could say that it was made by a known baker." Selene said with a convincing tone.

Princess Wara chuckled and answered, "Well, Thank you for that. And I'll take it as a complement" then she smiled happily.

"May I ask you a question, your highness?"

"Sure.. What is it?"

"Why'd you suggest that we go on a picnic here at the cliff? My mind keeps thinking that there must be a reason why so I ask you, your highness."

"You're right. I've suggested that we have a picnic here because it was my mother's birthday. We often go there and my mother also told me about the legend. My father and my elder brothers were so busy with their work so me and my mother were always together."

"I guess you were really close to your mother, your highness."

"You've not mistaken about that, Selene. I grew up dreaming that someday I would be like my mother. But.." Princess Wara answered, then remembered her mother and made her stop to talk.

"Are you okay, your highness?"

"Hmm yeah.. I just remembered something."

"You don't need to tell me everything about it, your highness. You may tell me about it when you're ready."

"I guess so.. I'm sorry." She replied and started to cry.

"It's okay, your highness. There's still next time. So, smile again and don't be sad." Selene said and comforted Princess Wara.

The sun set and it's getting dark. Selene asked Princess Wara.

"We should go back now, your highness. It's getting dark already."

"Yeah, Let's go back. Nanny Sena were looking for me again for sure." She answered.

Before they go, they fix the basket first, then their clothes. The wind was getting heavy too, so they walked faster. An hour passed and they arrived safe and sound. Like Princess Wara said, Nanny Sena was looking for her. She rushed to go back to her room after she said goodbye to Selene. Selene gives back the basket to the servants and goes to the back garden.

It was so dark and good thing there was a lamp beside the bench. She sat down at the bench and looked up at the sky. The stars were so bright and blinking at her. The fragrance of the flowers spread throughout the garden. Selene really loves staying at a place full of flowers. There's no question about that because her home is surrounded by flowers and she really misses the scents. When she hears that there is a garden inside the palace, she goes quickly to the garden and smiles with happiness and relief.

Two months passed since Selene and general Sram moved into the palace. Princess Wara and Selene were getting closer each day. They consume their time together while talking and laughing. The two were very happy every time they were together. The little world they just started makes their lives change sooner.

Selene woke up early, prepared her clothes and went to the market. At the market, she saw a ring with a flower design. It was so simple, then Selene asked the seller.

"May I look closer to these, ma'am?" she said while pointing to the ring.

"Ohh sure, dear."

Selene holds the ring and looks closer to it. Princess Wara came to her mind and imagined putting the ring on her finger. She asked to herself, "Will she be glad if I gave these to her? or Will she let me put these on her finger?" After that the seller noticed Selene.

"Are you alright, dear?"

"Hmm yeah, yes, ma'am"

"So have you decided yet, dear? Are you going to buy that ring?"

"Yes, ma'am. By the way, how much does this cost, ma'am?"

"It only cost five gold coins, dear."

Selene hesitated to buy it when she heard the price because she only had seven gold coins in her pocket and she still needed to buy food. The seller asked her again.

"Will you take it or not? A lot of people came here and wanted that ring, my dear. So if I were you I'll take it before somebody buys it."

"That ring is very unique compared to other rings." She added.

"Okay, ma'am. I'll take it now." Selene replied after being quiet about the price.

After that, Selene buys food with the two gold coins left in her pocket. She went back to the palace when she finished buying food that was only good for three days. While she's on her way, she saw a carriage, a royal carriage entered at the palace gate.