"It gonna be alright, there is no need to panick about, I used to be once a reporter it's normal of them to ask questions related to it... I need to go out and face them you can do it Nobuko it's just a promotional interview as my novel got famous.... It will help my orphanage" A woman in early 30s dressed pretty formal sitting in her room, she is little nervous for her first tv interview about his novel which got viral recently
*Knock knock* "Nobuko? Are you ready"
"You scared me Emily.... I am coming" Nobuko picked his novel and came out her room
**A fragile and little girl dressed completely white was standing out waiting for Nobuko. Emily is one of the orphan children which lives in Nobuko's orphan name "paradise" Emily is one of the first children of orphanage which is living in paradise from more than 8 years . Nobuko and Emily goes towards there hall where the interview has to take place it was a big hall where more than 80 people can be at time but it was still cramp filed with many reporters , doctors , random organisation bigshots and some fans which are waiting for Nobuko for novel signing and fan read , as she entered the hall the intense atmosphere suddenly calm down everyone was waiting for this even Nobuko. Nobuko sat on the chair Emily was standing next to her, and that's how it all started...the end of Nobuko's dream land "paradise"**
"It's good to see everyone of you...although I never expected that there will these many people" Nobuko said to the reporter's
"You look stiff a little , are you nervous?" One female reporter asked, which was also her former colleague name Jessica
Nobuko replied laughingly "ofcourse I am... it's my first interview"
**Everyone in the hall laughed a little**
"Let's start it... I always wanted to take your interview as you are the subject of this novel too isn't it?" Male reporter 1 asked
[ SFX - I used numbers to differentiate as they are not main character ]
"Yes you can say but I think victim or part of my life sounds better than subject... I mean I am still living" Nobuko said
"Can you tell about the novel and your motive to make it" Female reporter 1 asked
"There wasn't actually motive .... I was a literature club in my highschool and I used to also write some novel in my university and earlier job but for this specific novel I wanted to spread awareness and as you know novel is about a criminal and the way we humans see our surrounding" Nobuko replied
"Criminal? I read a little bit it was your own father figure, uncle ryt? And you were suffering from psychological state known as stockholm syndrome which is not so long ago." Male reporter 1 asked
[ SFX - Stockholm syndrome is state where the victim gets attached to the captors or kidnappers after being with them for long time ]
"Y-yes it's true , when I was young my parents were killed by Mr. denji and I was kidnapped.... I had lived more than 20 years of my life believing him as my father and when he got arrested I devloped stockholm syndrome but now after many rehabilitation sessions I am fine, thanks to doctor Shawn" Nobuko replied anxiously
"But the rehabilitation session is for temporary I heard that stockholm syndrome doesn't have a proper aid until the victim or captor dies even in worst case after death of there captors victims goes insane" Male reporter 1 asked
Doctor shawn interrupted "It has an aid... The best aid is time. As long the time goes the victim gets better, there might be some stress issues for victim for his whole life but they can move on. There are less no. of cases where the stockholm patients gone insane even after the therapy"
"Well there is a certain a paragraph in my novel, a question which I want if anyone of can answer it?...anyone present in this room" Nobuko said and started finding that certain page which has that paragraph. That question is one of the best attraction for readers
What is all about living? Why do we live for and why humans are considered as most intelligent animal? Some how we our still like other animals who survives hunting the weak not just for food we human also feed on weak humans socially , mentally then what does exactly makes us different from animals?
People say it's we can talk , think , we are more intellect .... But I think that's not enough to differentiate , humans are vicious and rotted from inside which always think about there selfish desires. In a modern world there is nothing dangerous than humans but there are still many peoples which are doing great work for humanity , NGO , doctors , police and all... but how do we know what are they? We see a person standing on the street he is wearing white coat and has stethoscope in his hand and have an indentity card which says doctor... but who is he? We know if a person has license to hold a gun and his duty is to catch the criminals then that person is a police officer... but who is he? Is indentity card or the apperance is enough to guess who is that person? Or can we judge a person with there profession? If yes, than what do you think is being a human?