Episode 3 : The old tale beings

**On there arriving control room was messed and looks chaotic as something big happened then one officer comes near Watari and report him that they found a dead body of Dr. Denji under shikawa bridge and it most likely be a muder as they found the corpse lying open from inside and his all organs where placed in glass box near his body as it was for exhibition. Suddenly he remembered about his past some similar images started to come in front of him, where he was lying on the ground near a river bank he is bleeding but continuosly someone calling his name Watari - Watari help me... he started sweating and slowly getting dizzy. Doctor shawn tried to clam him down and made Watari sat on the near chair**

"Show me images on the big screen fast...fast..fassst" Watari ordered angrily to officer standing there

**Officer ran from there to bring the image folder, other were confused that why is he acting bit differently as he was known to be one of the best officers in japan which have always solved the cases with zero casualty even against terrorist. Officer brought the folder.he anxiously started to turn images over and over with each page he turned he gets more panicked and his past memories were blurred started getting clear... In his memory he saw a person in a doctor uniform which tied a girl near the river shore in chains which is pinned to grounds and just near that girl he was fallen. He remembered that she was his girlfriend which was killed by a person wearing doctor dress when he was in his last year of highschool, She was killed in the same manner her body was cut in half and all her organs were put in glass box like a exhibition.

Watari gots chills by remembering his past he was feeling weak and insecure too because deep down when he always know that Dr. Denji doesn't killed his girlfriend it was someone other, more like a inhuman who can take out all organs of a human even without killing them.**

"Watari! Hey snap it out already" A intensified voice came which broke the silence, A huge guy like a human beast coming from the near gate all the officers started saluting him

"Ginoza... That person who... Killed yui..." Watari was trembling in fear, his hands where shaking then Ginoza comes close to him holds his shoulder and give him a strong headbutt

"Ahh! What the crap? you giant scamp" Watari said holding his forehead

[ SFX - scamp is synonymous of chimpanzee but it can also used as someone naughty more like a rascal at his age and here I meant the later meaning :D ]

**Watari was back to his senses, he realised that getting scared or to have a feeling of revenge against that unknown person will only comes in there way. He drink a glass of water and asked IT officers ( technical team ) to play video of the central jail when Dr. Denji breaker out, video started playing on the big screen of control room. It was time of early morning around 5:21am as always Dr. Denji woke up before sunrise then took bath and gets ready wearing his doctor coat...everything was normal like other days he roam around in the garden for some time then he mediate for half an hour in sun light until breakfast. During breakfast when every prisoner was present in hall he sat alone in the corner but then he suddenly started shouting, throws his breakfast plate towards an empty table and when officers present in jail comes to stop him he stabs a officer in neck and took him as hostage and in sheild of him he slaughtered all other 5 officers mercilessly like a inhuman with a sudden abnormal power in him, he stabs the last officer in his eyes until he made hole passing through skull and then he jumped from the back wall which is at lowest height of 15ft he breaked some of his bones after jumping from that height but when the reinforcement reached the wall he was disappeared without any trace**

"Dr. Shawn how is this possible that a normal looking guy in his late 50s get enormous power and killed 6 officers without getting harm?" Ginoza asked making a irritating face

"He was in state of lycanthropy...Clinical lycanthropy... I am not sure but it seems like he was transformed to an animal" Dr. Shawn replied taking a pause

"Lycanthropy? Can you explain in easy way?" Watari asked

"Clinical lycanthropy is a state where human deluded to believe that he is transformed to an animal but I worry about one thing... That the symptoms of lycanthropy can't be hide by a person, generally a human start showing behaviour of specific animal from weeks before he transform to one" Dr. Shawn said

"Can it be trigger or hide by some kind of medicine?" Watari asked

"It can be hide but it need a special observation and some drugs which is not even available in many research facilities in japan. There were many reports of secret organisation which are experimenting on humans so they can inhabited there powers as super humans.. triggering it can be option but to know exactly what happened with Dr. Denji that he transform into inhuman who slaughtered 6 officers alone we need his postmortem report" Dr. Shawn replied

"I personally visit the crime site. when I arrived, there were already a big crowd present near Dr. Denji corpse but the body was actually exposed as an exhibition art... The amount of blood stains on the ground tells that he was cut at that place but why no one noticed it? It's a wide open area" Ginoza asked

"Because that place belongs to someone unknown.... where no one is allowed to come" Watari zoomed the images of glass box near the nails and then there they saw a sign saying exhibitionist ZEO