Episode 6 : Sight

**Watari noticed that she was forcing him to take rehabilitation sessions with the replacement doctor and he observes it was strange that there was no more patient other then them at that time, where normally rehab centers usually have 2-3 patient... Watari nodded and agreed to take a special session with Dr. Masaoka**

"Ok I will meet him... Again, what was his name?" Watari knew it was a obvious looking trap but he don't wanted to lose an opportunity which can direct them towards the actual killer.

Receptionist was glad to hear that and said "Oh... Thanks a lot, his name is Dr. Masaoka"

Ginoza didn't understood the sudden change in behaviour of Watari "Is it necessary to take someone unknown? You sure it won't trouble you... Because you don't like people know about your pas-st..."

"I will just have a little talk and come back" He replied while smiling to receptionist

**Watari got the idea that receptionist is getting forced to do this so she might have threatened that he will kill her or someone she love and that's why she has to make sure that he enters the doctor room. He started moving normally towards the room no. 8 which was at the last of the floor, as he started coming close to room he started imagining an old scrawny man his 50s siting on the chair pointing scalpel towards Watari while he kept Dr. Nora as capative.**

[ SFX - scalpel is special knife used by doctors in surgeries, also called as surgeon knife ]

**Watari started to tremble and was scared about facing him directly as pre images of that guy in his mind started to come in front of him from the past incident, the same blur images of her girlfriend which was cut into half in front of his eyes and a some one in dark standing next to him and laughing while he pulls out a beating heart from her chest. Watari feels numbs and can't even walk straight properly, he leaned towards one wall and checked for bullets in his guns and took a deep breathe in front of the room gate. Watari was scared to meet him even when there was slight chance that he is a serial killer but he never wants that someone ever lose there precious ones and mumbled "There will be no victim other than me" and when he was opening gate someone from behind whispered "Ahh... don't destroy my game, It just started to get better."**

**In the safe house where Nobuko and other orphanage kids were staying. After 2 days of the incident Nobuko woke up from sleep but others were restricted to meet her because her condition was critical and even a single stroke from anxiety can be reason of her death, Dr. Shawn examined her for serval days but her condition kept on degrading so she was shifted to near hospital with 24×7 camera surveillance and with 20 members of main force for security. There were no patient on the same floor and even hospital staff members weren't allowed to come near Nobuko's room without getting checked through special task officers.

On the 5th day from the incident Nobuko finally started to recover and had a normal pulse rate from the other days so team incharge named "Hina" wanted to ask some questions from Nobuko regarding Dr. Denji and his past. So Hina and Dr. Shawn were waiting in her room while she was examined by doctors**

"We are already short on time... Please be quick" Hina asked from the doctors

"Yeah.. she is ready, we will watch her pulse rate while you question her" Doctor replied

"Officer I recommend you to be easy with her, they couldn't examine her properly because of your short notice." Dr Shawn said to Hina san

Hina desperately "I know.... But it's about murder, even a single clue can lead us to that unknown serial killer."

One random doctor Interrupted Hina "Please don't mention about murder or any sensitive thing related to her past, she is critical and her anxiety about her past memories and stockholm side effects can be dangerous for her health."

Hina sighed "Ahh... I will take it in count and ask some normal questions about her past"

**Doctors nodded and parted there ways to exist, everyone left the room except Dr. Shawn , Emily and Hina. For a bit Hina just stared Nobuko thinking about he deserted life as childhood where she lost her sense of gesture to understand the difference between a real father and a forester one, Hina was trying to make a resolve for herself because she feels inspired just by knowing her story. Hina too lost her parents in her early age and was send to orphanage where she kept bullying for years but she was lucky to get adopted by well settled family who has been always served nation as officers. Maybe she was unlucky to get adopted as she was forced to become a officer, no one asked her what she wants to do in her life as a career and after being forced to live a life of someone with responsibilities and family reputation who she never wanted to be made her feel like a puppet of her new family. She always thought to be most unlucky person, even after becoming adult and getting used to her rough job she had a sour for her parents but after hearing about the Nobuko's case she was cornered by her own delusion a felt like she was emerged in dark sea where is everything is shining and time has stopped down inside it was black but still shining which could have made her blind by her own ego. That's why she was more impatient to meet Nobuko not just for investigating but to know the reason why she shines even when she had scratches in her whole life.**