Chapter 4

Entering the restaurant, Adams' demeanor changed from charming to cold. Eve could feel an uneasiness about him as he entered the five-star restaurant. The hostess showed them to their seats and Adam guided Eve through the room, placing his hand on her lower back, leading her like a gentleman. She could feel his body's tension radiating from him. Once they were seated, he kept looking around, almost nervous.

"Adam, is something wrong? You seem distracted," Eve asked. She was concerned that Greg's intimidating presence ruined the night.

His piercing blue eyes narrowed, taking one last glance around the room. "I'm fine. I just haven't been in town for a long time. Being in public like this is a little unfamiliar territory for me."

"Are you from here?"

"Yes. East side. I moved to LA after high school. My family is still here. I live here part time." Greg looked up at the waitress, ordering them both a glass of wine.

"Well, I assume you are expecting someone to notice you, since you keep scanning the room. I'm guessing by the fancy car and restaurant choice, you grew up around this type of thing?"

His eyes darkened. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Luxurious accommodations," she said, waving her hand around casually.

"Oh. That. My family is very well off. My stepfather's family were horse trainers and breeders. Thoroughbreds specifically. My mother was in real estate." He looked at Eve like he wasn't exactly sure about why she asked about his money.

Eve knew enough about the Kentucky upper class to know the type. Greg was one of them. He was raised in a well off family. Eve, on the other hand, was a middle class country girl. By Adams' current actions, he wasn't comfortable being here. She assumed he was looking around to avoid the social papers. She had seen it plenty of times with Greg and his friends. The local paparazzi were more about big money players than the small amount of celebrity gossip around town. Or he was expecting some wealthy socialite to notice him. Maybe an ex-girlfriend?

Instinctively, she worried maybe it embarrassed him to be seen with her. Maybe the dress was too sexy for this place. Eve looked away, feeling a little uncomfortable with herself, and adjusted her dress to cover her legs.

"What would your family or friends say about being on a date with me?"

"Huh?" He looked confused, but looking into her eyes, it occurred to him. She felt out of place. "I think they would be glad to see me with such a lovely and classy lady. Eve, you seem to be a little too preoccupied with the idea of my money." Adam frowned, saying, "I didn't take you to be that type."

"Oh. No. I just thought maybe you were afraid someone would see you with me. I hang out in the social scenes with Greg. People know me. They also know that I'm pretty much a nobody." She dropped her head, playing with her napkin. "Greg and his close friends are the only ones who really accept me. I'm used to the whole it-crowd. They just don't really see me as one of them. Nothing bad about them, I just don't really fit the mold, no matter how hard I've tried."

Adam reached over, taking her hand to sooth her. "It's not like that, sweetie. I just really like to keep low key. The Louisville social scene has never been my thing. I should have chosen a different restaurant. The society pages and glory seekers are more my family's thing. Sometimes their status still follows me. All that makes me anxious and I've never really fit in either. I just wanted to make sure we would not be disturbed. I want you all to myself tonight." He smiled and kissed her fingertips, adding, "If that's okay with you."

"That's sweet. I'm sure people will understand that we want privacy. Besides, the ladies' food at that table over there looks delicious. I would really like to try that dish. Let's just relax and enjoy the rest of the evening." Eve smiled sweetly. "I'm sorry if I offended you."

"Not at all. All is forgiven. The desserts here are amazing here. Save some room for chocolate." He relaxed and grabbed the menu.

Giggling, she said, "There's always room for chocolate."

Adam and Eve chatted throughout dinner, having a nice time getting to know each other. Suddenly, with a change of expression, Adams' smile dropped as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry in advance, Eve?"

"For what?" She looked around, trying to figure out the problem facing them.

A loud, obnoxious voice came behind her, practically shouting, "Adam! Brother! Where have you been?"

It was then Eve realized the apprehension Adam had been having. Drew Ericson; the nightmare.