Chapter 12

"I like the way you think," he teased as she pulled him toward the bedroom.

Eve pushed him playfully. "Don't get so excited, slick. I want to show you something. And by something, I don't mean my prowess in bed." She pulled him from the couch to follow her.

Once upstairs, they walked out to the balcony. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

Eve rushed back into the condo, grabbing a blanket and binoculars. She came back out, pulling Adam into a lounge chair on the deck. She sat in his lap cuddling up to him, pulling a blanket over them, and Adam seemed pretty pleased things were back on track.

Facing the city skyline, she wrapped her arms around him with her head resting on his chest. The wind from the river air was chilling, but his warm body was more than enough to keep her cozy in the night's soft breeze.

Adam was loving being close to her, but didn't understand what she was up to. Most women were all ready trying to get him in bed and this sweet stuff wasn't what he was hoping for. "So, what are we doing here? Watching the boats on the river or something?"

"Nope. Wait for it. It's almost time. This is my favorite thing to do." Eve snuggled into him with a happy sigh. "Here, take the binoculars."

They could hear a baseball game in the distance from the baseball field.

"There's a game tonight? I thought they were at an away game," he asked.

"It's a rookie team playing. Some charity events are going on. Look! The bridges are starting to light up. Don't you just love the lights on the walking bridge at night? The colors all lit up, changing like a neon rainbow, are so pretty. I love seeing people enjoying the river and to feel the breeze off the water. It's all so perfect against the city skyline. I love being near the water more than anything in the entire world. Look, it's starting!"

Adam looked over, seeing fireworks exploding over the baseball stadium in the distance, reflecting on the river in streaks of light. He smiled seeing Eve's sweet expression. "It's really beautiful. Your view here is amazing."

"You should see it during the Kentucky Derby Festival fireworks display. The fireworks reflecting off the river are stunning. The rent here is high, but the view is so perfect that I couldn't pass it up. I'm lucky to have got this condo. I almost hate to give it up if I get that job."

"Have you ever seen it from a boat? It's amazing. As annoying as Drew is, we have fun during the fireworks every year. We get on my yacht and cook out. It's a lot of fun. It's the one day a year we actually get along."

Eve laughed, saying, "And, you haven't pushed him overboard yet?"

Adam chuckled in response. "No. He would just float. He's full of hot air."

Eve rubbed circles over Adam's chest while watching the baseball game fireworks. "I have never been to any of the Derby events but the fireworks and watching the river boat race from my balcony."

Adam smiled down at her. "Would you like to? I have tickets to a few things."

"Let me guess. Millionaire's row at the races, and the Barnstable Gala with all the celebrities?"

Adam rolled his eyes with a snorted a laugh at the excessiveness of it all. Almost embarrassed, he shook his head in agreement. "Yes, smart ass. It really is a bit much, isn't it? Would you want to join me? You can even bring Greg and his date."

"He's already going. I told you I don't let him take me to fancy stuff. He needs a life beyond me. I wish he would find a nice girl and settle down."

"Well, then let's do it."

"I would really love to go with you. Are you sure?"

Adam kissed her temple with a gentle smile. "I was planning on asking you, anyway."

Eve bit her lip, thinking. "Okay, but you have to do something not so fancy, too. I know you love the outdoors, so it would be nice to do something that us regular townie folk do."

"Okay. Like what?"

"The night they have the hot-air balloon glow and maybe watch the riverboat race. We can pack a picnic and just have a couple of nice afternoons together relaxing. The view here is perfect for the boat race."

"That actually sounds more fun than those ritzy events I had in mind. I really do just like my quiet time. I enjoy spending time with you, Eve. You are nothing like other girls I've met." He hugged her, just taking in the stillness of the night air. "I'm a lucky guy finding you."

After a while of just holding each other, Eve took a chance on getting him to open up a bit. "Adam, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, babe."

"Why do you hate the social scene so much? You grew up around it all. It's not like you aren't used to it."

Adam let out an annoyed breath, his voice almost callus. "Those people are nothing to me. So many people in those groups are always taking and never giving. Sure, there are plenty who are good people, but somehow I always end up finding the ones who just want to be around my family for prestige. I guess I am sick of people using me and my family name to get ahead."

"I can understand that. I see it with Greg and his friends all the time. People use them because they are baseball players."

"I never understood why people are always trying to keep a step ahead of each other. It's all about money, Eve. Without money, you're nothing in this world. It's not fair. Not for people like us. People who have to work for it. People like Drew, my parents, my father, my half brothers and sisters. They don't know anything but money. They don't know how hard it is for people like us. They have all it given to them."

Confused, she asked, "But you and Drew grew up together, right? You had money your whole life."

"No, Eve. Don't you see? I didn't. I grew up in a foster home or in shelters until my mother met my rich stepfather. She couldn't afford to take care of me on her own. While they gave my siblings the life of luxury, I had to work for it. My stepfather did nothing to help me. I had to come back to save the farm because he only taught Drew to enjoy the money, and not how to keep it going. We almost lost everything."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. So, that's why you hate all that fancy stuff. That makes perfect sense. Drew was spoiled, and he grew up with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. I can see the differences between you. You are a good man for taking control of your family's legacy." Eve rubbed his arm, trying to comfort him.

Adam just brushed off the conversation. He really just wanted to walk away from it all and live his own life. About that time, a call came on his phone. He pulled it from his pocket and moved to get up. "I have to take this."

He rushed off and Eve just sat back in the chair watching the street lights twinkle over the river. She heard Adam shouting at someone over the phone about money and his business before he went to the restroom, shutting the door behind him to block the conversation from Eve. She figured he didn't want the conversation messing up their night any more than it had already.

Adam came back out and Eve got up from her chair. "Everything okay?"

He pulled her to him, kissing her forehead with a sigh. "Fine. It's getting late. I have to go to LA for a few days. Why don't we go out on my boat and watch the fireworks next weekend? I'll be back that morning and we can have Drew set everything up on the boat. Invite Greg."

"Sounds great." Eve went to the tips of her toes to kiss the tip of his nose.

"I had a great time tonight. This is just what I needed."

He kissed her cheek and said their goodbyes. It wasn't the way she expected the night to end, but at least it didn't end in disaster.