Chapter 18

Three days later, Eve was getting ready for the big celebrity gala. She pulled on her dress when a knock came on her bedroom door. She smiled, knowing it was Greg.

"Evil. Help me! I am having a wardrobe malfunction," Greg fake cried. "Help me!"

"Come on in. What's wrong?"

"I can't get my bowtie right. I hate these dang things. I look like an idiot." He came in pouting, yanking at the tie.

She went over helping him. "You look handsome in your tuxedo"

"Thanks, but I hate these things. It's itchy. Hey, you look pretty. Anyway, the limo will be here any minute, so we need to hurry up."

"I think tonight is the night with Adam. I've been holding out too long, and I think he is getting upset about it."

Greg rolled his eyes. "Gross. I don't need to know this."

"Don't be a jerk. I need your advice. What do guys like?" Eve fixed his tie.

Greg looked like she was crazy. "Really? You're not a virgin." He straightened his suit jacket, feeling pretty good about himself. He knew he looked good.

"You're right, I'm not. But I'm not exactly experienced either."

Greg turned her around to zip her mini tassel dress with pink and iridescent sequin. She turned around, shimmying her hips to make the thin tassels on the bottom of her cocktail dress dance.

She giggled and said with a perky quip, "What ya think?"

"Cute. You look fantastic. Listen. Don't overthink this sex thing, okay. Let him take the lead. If it doesn't feel right, you'll know. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You hold all the cards in this situation. You say when it's time." He grabbed her shoulders so she would look him in the eye. "I mean it. If you are not ready, don't do it."

"Thanks, Greg. You always know how to make me feel better. I think I heard the car pull up. Well, Mr. Stapleton. Shall we wreck this party?"

Greg held out his arm, acting pissy and snobbish. "Why yes, Ms. Evil. Let us go mingle with high society folk and drink our fancy wines. Shall we proceed to the fancy party?"

"We shall, Sir Stapleton."

They made their way downstairs and Greg's date was waiting in the living room, taking selfies on her phone. Eve rolled her eyes at his bimbo of the week.

"Hi. I'm Eve."

"Oh cool. Take a picture of me. Get my good side." The blonde girl primped her hair, passing Eve her phone.

"Don't you want one with you and Greg?"

The clueless girl looked confused. "What? Who? Oh… sure. Come on Gregy!"

Eve passed him laughing as she took the phone. "Ya, Gregy. Go pose with your date. Smile big!"

Greg rolled his eyes, striking a pose. A knock came at the door and Eve started to rush to answer it.

Greg stopped her, saying, "Don't rush. Make him wait for it. Oh, and… do you remember this chick's name? I forgot."

"Really? You forgot your date's name?"

"She just told me her bra size, then I asked her out. It's not been that serious." Greg shrugged. "Nevermind, I'll figure it out. Anyway, make him beg, Evil. Remember, you're worth waiting for," he said with a wink.

Eve just rolled her eyes and answered the door.

Adam came in and quickly noticed the blonde with Greg, then slowly turned his focus back to Eve. "Babe, you look magnificent! These are for you." He handed her roses, kissing her cheek while still eyeballing the blonde with a half smirk.

Eve took them, heading to the kitchen to put them in water. "Thank you. I love them. You're so thoughtful."

Kissing his cheek, she was yet to notice him checking out the other girl who was flirting with Greg. She figured it was because the girl was new that he kept looking in her direction. Maybe he was just trying to figure out who she was.

Greg was getting bored with his date taking photos of herself and started rushing things along. "We're going to be late. Let's roll!"

Adam focused back on Eve. "Yes, babe. We need to get on the red carpet. It's good for Greg's image to be on time for these things."

Greg was a little surprised Adam was thinking of him. They had pretty much settled into a somewhat comfortable tolerance, although still not liking each other.

Eve smiled, walking over to her big, sexy man. "Okay. I'm ready. Adam, you look handsome tonight." Adam was checking out the other girl and she repeated, "Adam! Are you listening?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, babe. Ready to go?" He looked over at the girl. "Hey Jessica, you ready?"

"Sure. Does my hair look okay? I'm bored." The girl flipped her hair.

Greg said it under his breath, remembering that was the girl's name. "Oh, that's it. Jessica. Right."

Eve shook her head in annoyance. "Yes. Let's just go. We can't keep Jessica waiting."

Adam noticed Eve's snarky tone in an instant. Greg and Adam looked at each other with a guilty look. They both grimaced in unison at the thought of Eve being mad. Best not poke the bear and get on with the night.

Greg took his date's arm, saying, "Let's roll."

"Gregy poo, Can we ride in that Lamborghini? It's so pretty. Wow, Adam, you must be really rich."

Greg rolled his eyes, pulling his date toward his camero. "It's a rental. Let's go."

"It's not a rental it's--"

Eve stopped Adam midsentience shaking her head with a giggle. "Don't even go there. You're all mine tonight. What's her name can go ride in her dates car."

"Oh, of course. I'm sorry dear. Let's go to the party," he said still watching the other girl.

Lucky for him, Eve wasn't really a jealous girl and even she had to admit Jessica was a bombshell. Turning his face to look at her she smiled saying, "All eyes on me. I didn't were this dress for nothing."

"Looking down at her cleavage Adam smiled noting. "And I assure you, it fits in all the right places. Let's head to that party. I need to show off my girl."

"That's better," she said with a wink.


Authors Note: Is it just me or does Adam seem to be losing interest? I think he's up to something. What do you think? Leave a comment and tell me what you think he's up to.