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Chapter 22

Once Hunter had entered his office, Eve looked up at the man and slowly rose to her feet, trying to stay calm. Her eyes widened as the man who flooded her fantasies for years walked over to greet her. He was more handsome and person and twice as large as she pictured in her head.

Hunter looked up, reaching out his hand to shake hers, and instantly felt like he couldn't catch his breath. He froze in place, shaking her hand, not wanting to let go. In front of him was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Natural beauty with minimal makeup and the bluest eyes he had ever seen. Not like the overly glammed-up woman who often fawned over him. She was nothing even close to his reality show ex-wife and her fake friends.

His eyes were glued to Eve as he struggled to find the words to say. Hunter's mouth suddenly felt like he had a mouth full of cotton balls as he struggled to breathe, swallowing hard.

Grace smirked with her hand over her mouth from seeing her brother's expression and hopped up from his desk playfully. She went over patting him on the back hard to shake him out of his trance and he gasped to take a breath.

"Dude, you can stop shaking her hand now, before you break her arm off. Eve, this drooling mess of a man with his mouth gaped open is my big brother, Hunter."

Hunter came out of his daze, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. His gaze made Eve blush, as she pulled her hand back. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Ashford."

"Call me Hunter, Ms. Calloway."

"You can call me Eve."

"Okay then… Eve. Like the Garden of Eden. Eve. That's nice." The name rolled over his tongue like candy as he repeated it. Then he realized his sister was still standing there, gloating. "Get lost, Grace. I can handle the interview from here."

With a giggle, Grace leaned over, murmuring something to him quietly. "Oh, I know you can. But, could you get a handle on that red face you're sporting right now? Awe. It's cute. You're blushing. How sweet. My big brother has a little crush. I told you she's cute."

She made a kissing noise at him, trying to keep from Eve seeing her gesture, but it did no good. Eve noticed and was blushing bright red, too.

"Get lost, Grace," he scowled at her with a side eye.

"Okey dokey! Call me if you need me. See you soon, Eve. Great to finally meet you! My office is next door. Let's do lunch after. Ciao bella!" Grace waved while leaving the room, skipping away with a giggle.

Hunter just shook his head at his silly sister as he directed Eve to a chair. "Please, have a seat. Sorry about my embarrassing sister. She has no filter and way too much energy for her own good."

"She's nice and funny. I like her. Your photos around the office are nice. I was just looking at them when Grace came in. You have a huge family." Eve looked around the room, smiling.

Hunter's heart lurched in his chest from seeing her sweet expression of family. "Yep. I love them all. Even when they are ridiculously annoying. Do you have any brothers and sisters?"

"Two brothers, but I haven't seen them much since my parents passed away. We got older and live different lives now." Eve bit her lip, trying to keep down the emotions of missing her family and the closeness they once shared.

"Sorry for your loss. That must be hard. The Ashford clan is all pretty close. You'll see working while here, that even our employees become family. My dad was adopted, so family is important to him. It wouldn't surprise me if my father knew all five hundred employees by name, as well as their families. So, Eve. I hear you know my half brother, Adam."

Hunter sat back in his desk chair, leaning his head on his fist by resting it on the chair arm, taking a moment to judge her reaction to him bringing up Adam. It was obvious he had some irritation with the mere mention of the long-lost sibling. The same reaction when she spoke to Grace on the phone.

"Oh… yes. We… um…"

The phone rang.

Saved by the bell.

Eve let out a breath of air, relieved that something interrupted to change the subject. She didn't want to discuss her current relationship with this man. Not considering she secretly had feelings for Hunter. It was too awkward to talk about Adam in front of him, considering they were brothers.

Hunter answered the phone as Eve had a brief chance to take in his outstanding good looks. She giggled inside, remembering Greg calling him Thor. Here she was in the same room, just a few feet away from him, smelling his clean scented cologne, and she agreed. He looked like Thor. Yet, she thought Thor had nothing on this man. Hunter was a Greek god straight out of his own mythological story. His broad shoulders and strong biceps were pressed snugly against his grey tailored suit. The fabric taught to the point it looked like his muscles could break free at any moment if he were just to flex a little. Eve shuffled in her seat, trying to keep from going full fan girl mode on him. She wanted this job, and she had to keep her composure.

As he talked on the phone, Eve just looked around the room, trying to not stare at the gorgeous creature before her.

Hunter noticed her blushing and smiled to himself. He couldn't get his eyes off of her as he chatted on the phone to someone about new uniforms for the players. Hunter smirked in his sly, sexy way, as he looked over her natural beauty and classy simplicity. Once she glanced at him, he looked away in an attempt to keep from being unprofessional.

He wondered what her lips tasted like, trying to contain his reaction to her as best he could. It had been some time since he had been with a woman, but this woman had him acting like a teenage boy with raging hormones and they had just met.

Hunter thought to himself, "Stop thinking what you're thinking. Yes. Grace and Brody are right. She's really pretty, and she is exactly my type. But I got hurt once and I have to focus. She's going to be my assistant. Not my office play thing. Besides, I have enough women trouble with my crazy ex-wife and her reality show drama queens.''

Hunter hung up the phone. "Sorry about that. Let's start the interview…"

Eve and Hunter instantly hit it off. They finished the interview quickly, and conversation veered off topic to family, sports, and general chitchat. Hunter noticed how easy Eve was to talk to. How down to earth and polite she seemed.

"Well, Eve. I think I've heard enough. You really know your stuff. When can you start?" He leaned back in the chair with a big smile.

Eve's mouth dropped. "I got the job?"

"You got the job. Can you start next week?"

"Yes! Oh my gosh! Yes!" Eve jumped up, clasping her hands over her mouth.

A voice came over Hunter's phone intercom on his desk. "HELL YEAH! Way to go, Eve!"

Eve laughed, hearing Grace's voice blasting over the intercom as Hunter sighed, rubbing his head in embarrassment.

Suddenly, little clicks of high heals came rushing down the hallway and the door burst open. Grace ran over hugging Eve and the women jumped up and down, celebrating.

"We must go have lunch. We are going to be great friends, Eve. I just know it!"

Hunter stood to shake Eve's hand. "Congrats, Ms. Calloway. Monday morning. Nine o'clock sharp. I think my goofy sister can give you a tour of the place. Grace, take her over to the stadium and get her some t-shirts and company swag. Welcome to Ashford Sports, Eve. I look forward to working with you."

Grace pulled Eve from the room. "I'm so excited! I knew you were the right choice. Let's start by showing you your office. It's right across the hall. You have a great ocean view from there."

The rest of the afternoon, Grace showed Eve around the office and stadium. They went to lunch, and it was like they had been friends for years. Mainly because Eve already knew so much about the Ashford family. Grace was loving it. Finally, a woman in her life that had similar interests. She knew they would be friends from the start and she wasn't wrong. Eve felt like for the first time she actually had a connection with another woman. Before, all her friends were always guys. Grace had the same love for sports that she did and they were like two peas in a pod.

The only thing that was off limits was the topic of Adam. Eve avoided the conversation because she wanted to see what the true dynamic between him and his siblings really was. Tomorrow she would see how the Ashfords and Adam's bond was first hand. Somehow, she didn't feel good about it.